it's strange.

134 7 13

meliodas pov

me and zeldris laughed while we ate snacks in the kitchen, already having had discussed how I was going with Elizabeth. he already gave me plenty a shit about how much of my time I gave Elizabeth, smiling despite the embarrassment the teasing comments brought me.

"yeah, I guess that wasn't my best moment..... but~ it was still better then that time when you had to wear glasses and instead of embracing it you tried to go without and ended up breaking your leg and needed a cast and wheelchair" I teased him, smiling at his playful glare.

"oh shut up" zeldris snapped back at me, giving my shoulder a shove.

"why~ you looked adorable with a cast, hell, gelda even signed it for ya" I beamed at him teasingly, nearly laughing at his scowl.

"ugh.... whatever..." he growled, looking off to the side to ignore me.

"oh and speaking of gelda~ when are you gonna marry her?" I asked him bluntly, smirking when he turned crimson.

"wh-what do you me-mean?!" he squeaked out, his eyes wide as he stared at me.

I pulled the small box from my pocket, having waited years to give it to him as his mother had requested of me in her dying breath.

"well, I think there is someone up top that wants you to give this to the girl of your dreams" I responded easily, handing him the box that had the letter Z engraved on the top of it, smiling when he looked confused.

"meliodas?..... where did this come from?" he asked as he eyed the box, opening it and seeing the crimson ruby ring sitting inside as his eyes widened at the sight of it.

he let out a yelp when I grabbed his forearm and began leading him off somewhere more secluded so he wouldn't feel as exposed, knowing this would hit him deeply.

"your mother gave it to me just before she passed, she gave it to me with the instructions to only let you have it when I saw that you had found the perfect girl for you..... she wanted me to watch over you" I spoke quietly, frowning when his eyes filled.

"m-my mother? she-... she gave this to you to give to me?" he asked as he tried to mask his tears by looking down, his voice cracking.

"yeah.... hey it's okay to be upset about it, I know it's a pretty sore subject for you" I mumbled to him, pulling him into an embrace as he let out silent tears.

"I-i'm fine... thanks..... I had been looking for a ring for her b-but I couldn't seem to find the right one..... but th-this one is perfect, it matches her eyes" he rambled on warbly, the fact that he was crying being obvious in his voice.

"it's nothin, just lookin out for my baby bro..... you meant the world to her ya know that don't you? I can still remember the way she looked at you when I wrapped you in that blanket and handed you to her" I whispered to him, rubbing his back to soothe him.

"w-wait you ne-never told me you were the one to wrap me in a blanket...." he mumbled out in between hiccups, his tears felt through my shirt.

"yeah, my bad... you never asked about anything from then so I guess it just never occurred to me that you might want to know" I responded quietly, feeling happy that he trusted me enough to show this side of himself to me.

a moment of silence passed while I soothed him, rubbing his back while he sniffled.

"b-brother? can y-you tell me again..... what'd she looked like?" he asked quietly, tightening his grip on me.

"sure, I can always tell you anything you'd like, as I've said before, you can always trust and rely on me... I remember she had, black hair..... much like yours but hers was much calmer, less messy. her eyes were dark, a shade of lilac if I remember correctly... she was pretty short, just like you and me, but shorter by like an inch or so I think" I mumbled quietly, remembering how thrilled she was to carry him around, she even tried to step up and treat me and estarosa as her own before she was killed.

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