i found them

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Elizabeth POV

I woke up extremely warm like EXTREMELY warm so I turned my head in an attempt to see what it was and found myself looking at Meliodas curled up to my waist, I went to wake him but opted out of it instead started playing with his beautiful blonde hair,

But after a minute or two I heard him whimper in his sleep and tighten his grip on me I gasped at how strong he was, and it was starting to hurt because his grip was only getting tighter,

"Melio" I got cut off by him talking in his sleep,

"Ellie no please no don't leave me" he said beginning to cry,

"oh its okay Meliodas I'm not going anywhere I've got you and I'll always be by your side, I'll only go if you tell me to okay? I'm here for you I promise" I whispered in his ear listening as he instantly stopped crying,

I watched as his eyes gently drifted open and suddenly he was blushing furiously and let go of me,
"...... Hi Elizabeth I'm sorry I guess I rolled over to you......" he said looking away,

"its fine, really at least I wasn't cold" I said reassuringly,

"W-whatever y-yo you s-say" he said getting up,

"Oh! Don't forget about the picnic today!" i exclaimed happily trying to change the subject,

He just nodded chuckling lightly at my excitement,

"Yeah......." he said softly with a small smile on his face, but the curiosity of what he had said in his sleep bugged me,

"H-hey.... Meliodas? I have a question" I said looking down,

-oh okay well what is it- he said cheekily

"what did you dream about?...... I only ask because...... well you said something..... And I was just curious" I said calmly,

"..... Well yeah I heard once from zeldris that I talk in my sleep.......... But why do you ask? And what'd I say?" he asked curiously,

"W-well you asked me not to leave you and you sounded upset......... And of course I told that I won't unless you want me to in fact I think that's what woke you up" I said softly, I looked up to see him looking away almost as if deep in thought,

"yeah..... I'd rather not talk about it yet if you don't mind" he said not looking back yet,

"oh yeah that's fine....... Oh and how about instead of a picnic we just take a walk? I think it'd be nice and you could tell me what you want for your birthday since its day after tomorrow" I said cheerfully,

He smiled and walked over to the closet grabbing some stuff and walked back to me with a white skirt that reached the floor and a blue tank top with black tenna shoes and a fur coat, I took them thanked him and headed to the bathroom to change,

I came out to fine him texting someone on his phone, I thought it'd be a good chance to grab him something that I'd like him to wear if he'd be willing,

So I snuck up carefully with the clothes I grabbed him at the store the other day, he didn't seen to see me yet so I put my hand on his back and he jumped slightly he looked at me he looked mad, furious even,

"what's wrong Meliodas?" I asked concerned,

"I..... I...... Liz...... She just........ Texted me" he said staring at me with furrowed brows,

"oh? What'd she say?" I asked curiously,

"she said she..... Wants to hook back up..... To have a second chance......... I don't even know what to say honestly I feel nothing but anger towards her....... After what she did to me I........ Wanted to kill someone something anything to ease the pain of being betrayed...... And now that I know I never had any feelings for her....... I don't even know what to say" he said looking down,

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