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Meliodas pov

the feeling of a gentle touch trailing down the side of my face is what woke me, opening my eyes to see my lovely Elizabeth's sapphire eyes staring into me as if she could see my very soul. I just smiled warmly at her, already knowing this was going to be great day.

"well, good morning beautiful" I beamed at her, my cheeks heating up when she continued to caress my cheek.

"good morning mel~" she sighed quietly, leaning forward and kissing the corner of my mouth as her cheeks pinkened.

I just closed my eyes for a moment to enjoy her touch, letting out a quiet chuckle when she began trailing kisses down the side of my face and over my jaw. a part of me registered that she was pulling herself closer, her arms wrapping gently around my neck as she trailed her kisses back to my mouth.

she gave a quiet sigh when our lips connected, hers instantly sliding in-between mine as she tilted her head. I just laid back and enjoyed when she licked my lips, wrapping my arms around her lower back as I opened my lips and dipped into her mouth for a taste.

a quiet moan left her as I explored her mouth, her hands burying themselves in my hair. I shivered when she pressed flush against me, the reminder of how little I was wearing making my head spin. the reminder of yesterday reminded me of the mental plans for when her friends were supposed to come over, making me pull back from her lips with a smack.

"E-Elizabeth..... as much as I am thoroughly enjoying this..... I think we should be preparing for the arrival of your friends" I moaned out to her quietly, reluctantly sitting up with her.

"mhm, you're right..... i'll go have a bath and then get dressed..... then i'll go to the store and get dinner" she yawned as she slid off the bed tiredly, glancing at me with a smile.

"oh, and Elizabeth? would you pick out what you'd like me to wear today? if it's not a bother of course" I chimed with a smirk, pacing my breath so as to not pant.

"s-sure! wh-what were you thinking on wearing?" she squeaked with pink cheeks, her hands clasped in front of her.

"anything you think would good on me for today" I responded quietly, tilting my head at her as I slid to the edge of the bed.

"w-well everything looks g-good on-on yo-you, bu-but i'll do my best" she stuttered out, turning towards my bag of clothes to pick some out for me.

once she was turned and looking through my bag I was up and out of bed silently, smiling at her back as she sat on the floor humming to herself as she looked through the bag. I sat on the edge of the bed with a smirk, my mind racing on how red her face will turn when she sees me in just my boxers.

after a moment she pulled something black out of the bag, humming to herself before grabbing something dark blue from the bag too. before she could turn around I walked over and leaned over her shoulder to peak at what she had in her hands, smirking to myself when she squeaked at me being so close so suddenly.

"m-mel!" she squeaked with red cheeks, her breath hitching when I pressed closer and wrapped around her, placing my legs on either side of her with my chest to her back.

"yeah? those look like they'll be comfy. thanks a bunch Elizabeth, you really are the sweetest" I cooed to her in her ear, kissing her cheek as I gently took the clothes from her hands.

she couldn't seem to respond, simply standing up with bright red cheeks and going to turn towards me before squealing and turning away as her blush reached her hairline.

"wh-wh- meliodas why aren't you wearing anything!?" she squeaked out, her back to me as she stood there stiffly.

"well, technically, I am wearing something. i'm just not wearing much..." I mentioned offhandedly, blushing as I tried to act confident around the very embarrassing topic of being mostly naked in front of her.

"st-still! you could have at least warned me so I knew to keep my back turned so you could change!" she squeaked, her shoulders tense as she stood.

"but then you wouldn't see me. I want you to see me, I want you to know I have absolutely no problem with you seeing me like this" I responded honestly, walking up behind her and kissing the back of her neck, wrapping my arm around her waist.

she just shivered, her hand clasping mine around her waist as she tilted her head to the side before turning slightly to look at me in the eyes. her bottom lip was pulled in between her teeth in her nervousness, making my chest feel like a furnace from the way she looked.

I smiled as I realized she was avoiding looking away from my eyes, her entire face a adorable red as her round blue eyes stared into me. a chuckle left me before I leaned forward kissed her cheek, trailing over to her ear as I peppered her with kisses.

"you're so beautiful, Elizabeth.... don't you know you can do and have anything you want? especially when It comes to me... " I whispered to her, nipping her ear before stepping back and away from her so she could get a good look at me.

her face darkened in color as her eyes began looking me over, her thighs looking clenched. she reached her hands up to cover her mouth in silence while I couldn't keep eye contact, looking off to the side as my cheeks burned.

"umm, I b-better go get that bath n-now" she murmered offhandedly, going to the bathroom.

the moment the door closed I was throwing on the clothes she selected for me, running over and grabbing some of my black socks before slipping my shoes on. after that I grabbed my leather jacket before writing Elizabeth the note telling her not to worry about going to the store because I was on it, sticking the note on her phone plugged in on her nightstand before grabbing my keys and leaving.


"well I think it's fine either way" I responded to zeldris on the phone, reading through the different types of brown rice for the dinner.

"that's not helping! gelda wants the room to be either red or grey and she told me to decide! so i'm making you decide!" he whine on the phone, his growl of irritation sounding frustrated.

"umm... both? grey walls with a red trim?" I asked offhandedly, grabbing one of the boxes of brown rice and placing it in my cart before moving on.

"and the carpet?" he asked without missing a beat, the sound of a pencil scratching paper making me wonder if her was writing this down.

"try white with black graphic rugs" I responded easily, examining the different types of canned beans.

"uh-huh, got it... thanks dude, lifesaver" he chimed with a sigh, making me smile.

"yeah, no problem.... now you help me, pinto bean or black beans?" I asked after a moment, feeling confused as to which one to use.

"both, you never wanna use just one or the other it makes it taste funny... wait why are you asking that? you can't cook" Zeldris stated matter as a matter of fact, nearly making me laugh as I smirked.

"actually Elizabeth has been teaching me, she's great at cooking" I answered easily, doing as he instructed and grabbing a couple cans of both.

"really? wow she's got a lot on her plate then, I applaud her bravery" he laughed on the other end, making me scowl momentarily.

"har har asshole, I don't need your negativity in my life" I responded jokingly, grabbing a box o chocolates from the shelf for Elizabeth.

"oh please, without my negativity you wouldn't be able to see the good things in life" he joked, giving a sigh.

"yeah, sure. anyway I better hop off here and get my ass in gear, only an hour left till this food has to be cooked up" I mentioned as I smiled at the sight of flowers over on one of the shelves.

"good luck not poisoning people" he chimed teasingly before hanging up, making me chuckle before putting my phone back in my pocket and walking over to the flowers.


"and now we let it sit in the oven for aprox thirty minutes-ish" Elizabeth chimed after we worked together, mostly her because i'm still learning.

"mhm, got it..... now that that's done, I have a gift for you" I chimed easily, walking back to the living room to grab the chocolate and flowers.

I pulled them from the bag and turned to Elizabeth with a smile as I offered them to her, feeling my cheeks burn as her eyes lit up.

"awe~ you got me flowers and chocolate! thank you! thank you! thank you!" she squealed with red cheeks, grabbing them from me and kissing me.

she just giggled merrily as she stepped back, burying her nose in the flowers with a sigh. for a moment she merely enjoyed, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth.

"I-i'm glad you like it" I stammered out with red cheeks, scratching the back of my head sheepishly.

"no, I love it! thank you really" she blushed, prancing off to the kitchen before coming back with a big jar with water in the bottom of it, placing it in the middle of the coffee table before taking the flowers out of the plastic and putting them in the jar.



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