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Meliodas POV

I walked into the convenient store feeling chilled to the bone because of the now cold fluids that still soaked my crotch and thighs, knowing If I walked in front of Zeldris covered in cum he would never stop teasing me.

"Hey, you guys got any clothes for sale?" I asked the cashier, glaring when she looked at my stained pants and snickered.

"Yeah, over there on the end" she responded with a grin, gesturing to one of the aisles.

I walked feeling antsy, already feeling the need to be snuggled back up to elizabeth.

I grabbed some random grey sweats and a blue hoodie, bringing them to the counter and tossing the cash up there for it before disappearing back to the bathroom.

Stripping Myself of the clothes became rather tasking when I had to peel my pants and underwear off, groaning when my pants go caught on my still hard erection before sliding the rest of the way off.

I shivered as the cold air hit my still damp genitals, being swift to pull on the sweats.

Wow..... I did not expect any of that to happen, but if given the chance I wouldn't change a thing. I thought as my cheeks heated up at the thought, running my fingers through my hair as a distraction.

I looked at my reflection only to jump back in surprise, looking at the several hickeys and bite marks.

My face turned an embarrassingly deep red as I continued to examine the marks, tracing them with the tips of my fingers.

Feeling a strange tension form in my stomach at the contact, sighing at the memories of her making these with that wet hot mouth of her's.

I shook my head to distract myself from the heady memories clouding my mind, quickly slipping on the hoodie to avert my eyes from the marks I was already fond of.

Walking out of the bathroom carrying my dirty clothes was especially embarrassing when the cashier snickered at me, before typing something on her phone.

I tossed the dirty clothes into the trashcan before letting my eyes wander around the rest of the store.

I spotted some sour skittles and some cold drinks in the back, so I meandered over there in search of something for Elizabeth.

I ended up grabbing her a bottle of orange fanta, a bag of sour skittles and a bag of Oreos.

I walked over to the cash register and paid before heading back outside, cringing when the cold instantly bit at my skin.

Adjusting my hold on the grocery bag to unlock the car before hopping in, sighing as the warm air from the heater ingulfed me.

I glanced over to see Elizabeth still sound asleep, smiling to myself despite the heat that rushed to my cheeks at the memories flooding my brain.


Shivering at the cold as I walked to her side of the car, gently prying her door open and leaning in to unbuckle her.

I held her snuggly to my chest, walking up the steps after I put the code in so the apartment complex would let me in.

Walking down the hallway in search of her door caused a sigh to leave me, making sure to be gentle in my steps as to not wake to beauty resting in my arms.

I reached her door after a minute of searching, realizing there was no way for me to open the door when I was holding her.

I carefully flared my powers enough to get Zeldris's attention on the other side, waiting patiently for him to open the door.

Feeling relieved when he opened the door, looking like I woke him up as he stared at me.

"Brother, it's 4 in the morning..... Why were you two out so late?" He whispered, stepping to the side to let me in.

"I'll explain later" I whispered in return, smiling when I spotted the nest of blankets on the couch.

"Okay..... Oh, I don't know if you can tell, but you're gonna have to find a different spot to sleep, me and gelda stole the couch..... G'night" he grumbled half asleep as he laid back down with gelda, instantly burying himself back inside their cocoon.

I walked carefully back to Elizabeth's bedroom, thanking everything above that she had left her door open.

I was careful as I set her down, making sure that she wasn't woken up.

Slipping her shoes off, then her socks and jacket. I sighed as I watched her sleep for a moment, pulling the blanket up to her chin and tucking her in.

Feeling happy that she looked warm, I leaned in and kissed her forehead softly, unable to pull away as my lips rested against her soft skin.

I let my eyes slide shut, beginning to pepper down the side of her face with little kisses.

Stopping as her cheek, feeling heat rise to mine as I sighed. I pulled back gently, smiling at her soft smile as she slept.

A gasp left me when one of Elizabeth's arms wrapped around me in her sleep, gently tugging me down to lay with her. I sighed as she pulled me to her, rolling to her side as she wrapped around me entirely.

She sighed as she snuggles close, pulling me against her snuggly as my cheek rested against her collar bone.

I felt a little dizzy from the sensation of her breasts pressed against my shoulders, wrapping my arms around her waist to return her embrace.


I woke to the sound of giggling, whispers and the sound of a heart beating strongly against the side of my head.

I smiled softly at the memories of the previous night, despite the heat that rushed to my cheeks.

Last night and all of yesterday I had gotten to take Elizabeth out for a date...... Wow! I feel like I won the lottery! This is awesome! I thought nuzzling against her as I tried to peel my eyes open, keeping my arms around her snuggly.

"Oh my god, they're so cute together!" I heard gelda whisper shout, getting shushed by what sounded like Zeldris.

"Shh, you're gonna wake them, and meliodas won't be happy if he sees us" he whispered in return, the sound of walking before the bedroom door closed signalling that they left.

I slowly sat up, careful not to wake her as I slipped from bed, smiling when I could still feel her warmth on my skin and clothes.

"I'll never forget this, Elizabeth.... You have no idea how much this means to me, how much I cherish my time with you....... " I mumbled softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed.



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