sorry, couldn't help it.

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Meliodas POV

I couldn't even tell what the movie was about, this being our fourth movie because zeldris rented the whole theater.

I had no idea what we were or have been watching, because after we'd start each movie I'd end up to distracted staring at Elizabeth as I worried.

We hadn't even gotten to really talk about what happened last night, were we just going to act like it didn't happen? No! I don't want to go backwards in our relationship, we're not even official yet! I want more with her, I want everything with her! Fuck..... I thought as the movie ended, the sight of gelda's face being covered in tears making me raise a brow.

I snapped my head to look at Elizabeth when I heard her sniffle, clenching my jaw when her face was also soaked.

"That was both the saddest and sweetest movie I've ever watched!" Gelda commented sadly, gripping zeldris's shoulder to stabilize herself as they walked.

"Yeah, no kidding" zeldris agreed with a sniffle causing me to blank slightly, zeldris almost never cries...... Just how sad was that movie? I thought as we walked out of there.

"So, another movie or do we head back?" I asked them with curiosity, my hands resting comfortably behind my head.

"Well, I'm kinda tired...... So I think me and gelda will probably head on home" zeldris responded ending in a yawn, wrapping an arm around gelda.

"Mkay, I guess I'll see you for Christmas?" I added curiously, tilting my head at them.

"Yeah, most likely..... Oh! And Elizabeth? Would you like to participate in our secret Santa game? It's where we all throw our names in a bucket and reach in to grab one, but we're not allowed to share who we got and then the gift receiver has to guess who gave them the gift. Me, meliodas and gelda have been playing it for years and it would be nice to have another player" zeldris asked as we walked, holding gelda's hand to prevent her from slipping on ice.

"I'd love to! But only if it's okay with everyone" Elizabeth spoke sweetly, clasping her hands in front of her.

"Yeah, I think it's a great idea!" I agreed easily, smiling widely at Elizabeth.

"I agree, I'll grab some paper" gelda explained excitedly, skipping off to zeldris's car.

"Hey, btw I got like 30-ish missed calls and texts from estarosa, he's pretty upset..... Granted he always is anymore" zeldris groaned irritatedly, rubbing his temples.

"Yeah no kidding, that dude has no chill" I agreed with a sigh, sitting on the hood of my car.


After a couple of hours, me and Elizabeth arrived back at her apartment after saying our goodbyes to gelda and zeldris.

"I'm gonna go take a shower then I'll see what I can cook?" Elizabeth smiled, tilting her head slightly.

"Nah, you go ahead and shower and I'll just order something for us, kay?" I offered with smile, smiling wider when she blushed cutely.

"Okay thank you" she spoke softly, smiling at me as she leaned in swiftly and kissed my cheek before running off.

I smiled softly, my cheeks ingulfed in heat as I rubbed where she kissed.

She will be the death of me....... But fuck if I'm going to keep getting this treatment then I'll die a happy man.... I thought with a blush, biting my lip as I pulled the piece of paper out of my pocket.

This year for secret Santa I had gotten zeldris, last year I had gotten gelda.

I wonder who Elisabeth got...... Me or gelda? I thought as I burned the paper to avoid her finding out who I got, walking over and sitting down on the couch.

Relaxing on the couch became rather difficult when I remembered that we hadn't gotten the chance to talk about what happened between us the other night.

My cheeks filled with heat at the reminder, the memories that began to flow steadily through my mind.

I could feel myself lengthening at the memories of her moans, the memories of dragging my clothed cock against her.

"F-fuck" I moaned quietly to myself, instinctually reaching down and rubbing the palm of my hand against the inseem of my jeans.

My head fell back to rest against the back of the couch, my free hand latching onto my knee as my working hand sped up in the process of pleasuring myself as I panted.

"E-Elizabeth~" I moaned softly, trying my damnedest to stay quiet.

Elizabeth is in the shower, which means there is no way of knowing when she'll come out which means no knowing how long I have for this...... I thought as I undid the buckle on my pants, being quick to slide my hand in and get to work as I panted.

I could feel my gut tightening as i hurried to get this over with, my eyes clenching shut.

"Ah~ so close~" I moaned with a clenched jaw, resisting the need be loud as I got closer to my finish, completely ignoring when a breeze blew over me with the smell of bath salts.

My mind began to fill with my imagination of what Elizabeth probably looks like right now, in the shower all wet........ What would it be like to shower with her? To rub my hands over her beautiful skin with soap and to scrub her scalp clean? How much would she blush if I cleaned in between her beautiful thighs? I thought as my hips bucked into my hand involuntarily, my breath unsteady as I panted.

I was so close, so close to my finish, my hand working fast as my back arched away from the couch slightly.

A gasp filled my hearing as my eyes flew open in panic, my hand fleeing from inside my pants and buckling everything back up with an embarrassed squeak.

Elizabeth stood there with red cheeks and wide eyes, in a cute over sized cyan hoodie with a white flower on the front, some black comfy shorts accompanying this.

Fuck she's so cute in that.... I thought as I tried uselessly to use my mouth to form some kind of explanation, only really able to think of saying her name.

"E-Elizabeth!" I yelped in embarrassment, my face feeling like it was on fire.

Suddenly her eyes went wider, and she turned on her heel turning her back to me.

"I-i am s-so sorry f-for umm- i-interupting! I-i'll go so-so y-you can uh- fin-finish what you're d-doing!" She squeaked, shoulders bunched up towards herself in embarrassment, running off before I could say anything.

"No w-wait I...... Shit" I grumbled as I stared at where she once stood, my erection only throbbing more now that I had such a cute outfit on her.


sorry for the slow updates, really struggling with this art-block.


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