Breeding Cycle Amnesia.

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Meliodas Pov

the feeling of utter bliss is what i awoke to, having no idea or recollection why i felt so good. it was also quite puzzling as to why i could feel nothing covering me, as if i was bare underneath the blanket. an unintentional moan left me as i rolled, curling up to Elizabeth and shivering at the feeling of my bare length against her bare thigh.

the adrenalin hit me like a boulder, jolting me upright and away from Elizabeth. my mind was spinning, unable to figure out or remember how i ended up in this position, naked in bed with a mostly naked Elizabeth who appeared to be only wearing my white button up.

how did this happen? did i get drunk? how drunk was i to have- have- done what? what happened?.... i mean from looking at the fact of her only wearing one of my shirts and me being bare i can.... reasonably assume..... did we maybe... have sex? i thought as my cheeks burned, wondering why i couldn't remember.

okay, meliodas you can do this.... just remember what the fuck happened......... start from the beginning....... what's the last thing i remember?........... that's right! i called Zeldris..... for what? why did i call him? i thought as i slowly slipped from bed, trying to keep from waking Elizabeth.

it felt like my hearts were about to burst from my chest with how hard they pounded, trying to look around for a clue as to how this happened. the sight of my sword in its sheath on the floor caught my attention, distinctly remembering leaving that at my home. then the sight of our clothes scattered about the room made my cheeks burn again, carefully grabbing my pants off of the floor. it was nerve wracking getting dressed when she slept not even 10 feet from me, shivering when i pulled my pants over the boner i didn't even realize i had.

"Elizabeth....... what happened? why did i wake up naked with you?..... did we have sex? and if so.... why did you let me? you have no reason to allow me.... to have something so intimate with you......." i whispered softly, knowing she wouldn't wake from my quiet question but praying something would give me a sign as to what exactly happened.

after a couple minutes of merely watching her sleep i snuck over to the nightstand where my phone appeared to sit, grabbing it and sneaking off to the living room. once safely out of Elizabeth's hearing range i opened my phone, blushing vibrantly to see i had a new wallpaper. Elizabeth in just a swim black bikini top and bottoms making it hard to breath, the sight of her laying on sand asleep as i appear to be above her to take this picture.

holy shit that's hot! how come i can't have what is clearly a glorious fucking memory? i thought to myself in frustration, opening Zeldris's contact in hopes that maybe he knows something.

the sight of his number being blocked on my phone made my jaw drop, being quick to unblock him to see the most recent conversations. it turned out that he was trying to convince me to stop something, apparently something bad according to the messages.

i was quick to text him, *zel what's going on? why were we arguing? please call and tell me wtf happened* was sent as i paced the living room. my phone started ringing loudly, making me realize i had apparently changed the ringtone for his calls.

"yes? Zel?" i answered quickly, slightly frantic.

"meliodas....... come home kay? i.... can't explain something like this over the phone...... and no don't tell Elizabeth..... just leave her a note" he said in a strange tone, almost sounding sorry.

"o-okay.... please tell me something though, anything please i- i don't understand..... can't remember- how i- please just tell me something......" i responded barely loud enough for the phone, struggling to breathe past the worry.

"brother....... i know this is confusing to you..... but if you trust me at ALL.... then you must listen" he hushed.

"I- I- okay......" i mumbled, suddenly feeling strange waves of cold wash over me as i staggered, dropping the phone.

my lungs burned as i grappled onto the couch, gasping for air as i felt like i was drowning. the vague sounds of Zeldris yelling for me on the phone went ignored as i fell to the floor, gagging on air while i desperately held my throat with my hands. my whole body felt like it was being frozen and burned at the same time while squirmed around on the floor, my own vision starting to blur as i tasted copper in my mouth suddenly.

suddenly my vision blacked out, pure unbridled agony coursing through my veins as i could feel myself suffocating. everything was so painfully cold and hot at the same time as i slowly lost consciousness, only really knowing that my body felt like it was falling.


"mel-....... odas-!" i vaguely heard someone calling out for me, feeling someone holding me by the shoulders as i noticed that my mouth, chin and cheeks felt wet, as if something was spilling from my mouth.

the vague feeling of being rolled onto my side just as a loud crashing sound filled my hearing, feeling myself getting hastily lifted off the ground and carried somewhere just as the cold agony started again. my body burning with cold and hot flashes as more of something foamy spilled from my mouth, the feeling of tears running down my cheeks as my body throbbed in pain.

The pain seared through me, my mind spinning with the fear that I might be dying. In the distance, a car engine roared to life, its sound both distant and urgent. Amidst the chaos, my thoughts looped back to that magical Christmas—where I kissed Elizabeth for the first time. It was an extraordinary moment, etched into my memory like a star against the night sky.

"Brother-!.......... Hang on-!........"


I was awakened by the sound of birds singing, feeling both dazed and sore, as well as hungry and fatigued. the sound of someone else's breathing not far as i laid on my back with a blanket over my midsection, a hand clasping my right tightly as i wondered if they were sleeping in a chair next to the bed.

The soft light that hit my half-open eyes made me squint. I glanced over and saw my younger brother, slouched in a chair next to my bed. His head rested on the edge, and he held my hand as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Zeldris, the guy who usually rolls his eyes at sentimentality, was here. His tough exterior cracked just a bit, revealing the brotherly concern he'd never admit to. Maybe he'd been sitting here all night, waiting for me to wake up. Who knows? I didn't need grand speeches or tearful reunions. His presence said it all: "You're not alone, idiot." And that was enough.

For a while, I lay there in silence, my gaze fixed on Zeldris. His hair had grown, and it puzzled me. Longer, definitely. A different style too. It now cascaded down, almost reaching his shoulders—a far cry from the usual short crop that barely made it into the hair tie he wore now.

Zeldris, my younger brother, was a walking contradiction. Sentimentality? Not his thing. Caring? Well, hed scoff at the very idea. But here he was, asleep in that chair, holding my hand like it was a lifeline.

Maybe hed argue that he was just making sure I didnt kick the bucket on his watch. Or perhaps hed grumble about how inconvenient it was to be sentimental. But I knew better. Beneath the tough exterior, he cared. In his own way—subtle, unspoken, and stubborn as hell way.

The familiar surroundings of my room enveloped me—the grandeur of the mansion, the antique furniture, and the dust that clung to forgotten memories. It had been a while, that much was clear. The cobwebs in the corner whispered secrets of times passage. i silently wondered if zeldris came to get me after i passed out mid phone call, knowing i must have scared the shit out of him.

I tried to speak, but my throat was parched, as if Id swallowed sand. Instead, I squeezed his hand, and he jolted awake. His eyes widened, and for a moment, he looked disoriented—caught between dreams and reality. But then, awareness flooded in, and he shot up from the chair like a spring uncoiling.

Youre awake! His voice cracked, and I could see the relief etched across his face as i nodded.

he smiled widely and leaned over, surprising me with a hug as he gave a deep sigh. he even nuzzled the side of my head as he embraced me, trembling slightly as he tightened his grip on me.

"you total dumbass-" he huffed as he hugged me tighter, causing a wheeze to leave me in surprise as he let me go. "did i hurt you? I'm sorry....." he mumbled as he looked at me, his eyes mellowed to green as he looked my face over.

My throat felt like sandpaper, and I wheezed, reaching up to scratch it. Zeldris got the message—I didnt need words. He disappeared briefly, and when he returned, he had a glass of water. No fuss, no fanfare—just practicality. He held the glass to my lips, and I drank greedily. The water was cool, soothing the parched ache. Zeldris didnt say a word, but his eyes softened as he watched me.

"better?" he asked quietly, brows furrowed as he eyed me.

"y- yeah- kinda" i huffed out, throat still sore but better as i mustered up a small smile.

He smiled, humming softly, and settled back down at my side. With a sigh, he retrieved his phone from his pocket and began typing. His gaze flickered toward me now and then, as if checking to see if I was okay.

"I'm pulling up your socials, so you can see pictures of what's been going on......" he mumbles as he goes through his phone, his screen lighting up before he pointed it at me and let me take the phone.

upon looking at the screen the first image on Instagram to greet me was a selfie of me and Elizabeth, where we appear to be on a boat together with her on my lap facing me, she's only wearing a bikini that barely covers her breasts and short shorts that do nothing to hide her ass and her eyes are closed. in the photo my eyes are onyx black with my demon crest on full display, only wearing white cotton pants as one of my arms holds her around the waist and my other holds the phone out for the picture.

the blush that spawned on my entire face was immediate, seeing her so intimately pressed to me like it was nothing as she appeared to be downright giddy in the picture.

another picture was of us under a blanket appearing to be wearing nothing under the blanket as Elizabeth blushed at the camera, my own dark eyes glinting as i openly licked her neck lewdly with a grin on my face.

then there was another picture where me and Elizabeth appeared to be in an amusement park on a Ferriss wheel, with her wearing a beautiful off shoulder blue dress and snuggled into my shoulder. she even appeared to be blushing deeply.

upon scrolling further there were endless amounts of pictures and posts about this or that, but one caught my attention, causing me to freeze in alarm as i stared at it. a 4th of July selfie, of us kissing under fireworks with the caption 'My Hottie Lovin the view of all these fireworks from the Eifel tower today! can't wait to take her to Rome next!' with a bunch of heart emojis and kissy faces.

that post made my stomach tighten and drop, feeling heartbroken for not being able to remember such precious memories. my eyes filled as i stared at the image, my bottom lip trembling as i resisted outright sobbing before something clicked.

"its July?" i asked zeldris worriedly as he watched me, a look of concern in his eyes as he nodded.

"yeah........... July 21st..... I'm sorry" he mumbled, looking down as i became nauseous.

"b-but the last i remember it was February 12th!" i squeaked, watching him almost wince at that.

"you really don't remember anything from after?" he asked hesitantly as he leaned closer, placing a hand on my shoulder as some tears tracked down my cheeks.

"the- the last thing i remember was- was feeling shitty so i- i texted you and- and you called me- i can't even remember the conversation" i stammered as my throat tightened around a sob, feeling panic rise in my chest as his brows furrowed.

"hey~ hey~ calm down- it's going to be okay meliodas......." He whispered soothingly, rubbing my shoulder as more tears fell from me.

"how is it going to be okay?- i can't remember any of it- all the obviously precious memories i apparently made with Ellie and- and i don't h- have them!" i cried out through my voice cracking, my body starting to feel cold again.

it was then he leaned over and hugged me, tightly holding me as i went silent minus the whimpers and sniffles. he breathed deeply as he tightened his grip on me before he sat back just slightly, his face tense.

"calm. I promise, it will be okay...... listen....... you went through a breeding cycle....... often times amnesia is a common after effect of when its finished......" he murmered quietly causing me raise a brow, confused.

"a breeding cycle?" i asked hesitantly, still sniffling.

He nodded slowly as he took a deep breath. "Yes. a Breeding Cycle........ In this unique breeding cycle observed in many of us demons, similar to the estrous cycle in felines, we uh....... experience a period of intense reproductive desire and drive to establish....... our strength as prospective mates......... The cycle's timing is not determined by the demon's age, but rather by their subconscious readiness for breeding or when they have formed a strong emotional attachment....... During this cycle, we often become aggressive and carnal, actively seeking mating opportunities and striving to prove their prowess to potential partners......... While most demons remember their experiences during this period, rare cases of amnesia can occur after the cycle has ended, leaving them unable to recall their actions and behaviors during the cycle....... and I guess..... you have suffered the.... rare case....." He informed me with red cheeks, looking down at his feet as i swallowed thickly.

"oh..........." i mumbled as i my own cheeks burned in embarrassment, my mind reeling as I processed the information.

He glanced up at me with a remorseful smile, giving a deep sigh before standing up and taking his phone back. after a moment he scrolled through and typed something, his brows furrowing while he typed.

"so umm......... I just texted Elizabeth that- uh- well...... she didn't know about the breeding cycle and umm..... so i just texted her everything that i know and that.......... you can't remember the last 5 months and 9 days..... i texted her that can go ahead and come up here to see you now" he mumbled as he turned and walked to the door before he paused, turning to me.

"I'm really sorry that..... that i can't help you remember brother......" he mumbled before leaving me alone, closing the door behind him.

once alone i stewed on my thoughts silently. for 5 months..... I've been in some- some trance for 5 months........ but Basing it off the pictures i think Elizabeth liked me like that..... did i behave in a more attractive way? is she going to be upset when she sees i don't act like that anymore? what if- my thoughts are cut off by knocking.

"uh- umm- come in?" i stammered, blushing when i saw Elizabeth come in.

She wore my coat—the one I had forgotten on her desk last i remembered. The fabric, once tailored for my broad shoulders, now enveloped her delicate frame. The collar brushed against her jawline, framing her face like a halo. Her hair, a wild cascade of Silver waves, was hastily gathered into a messy bun.

"Hi, Meli..... how are you feeling?" She asked sincerely as my hearts skipped beats as if i hadn't heard her for a long time.

"i- uh- I'm as well as i can be.... i suppose......." i answered hesitantly as i looked her over, my eyes glued to her as i felt my cheeks burn. she looks so much better in that coat then i did......

Abruptly, she leaned over and hugged me, almost laying on me with how she buried her face in my neck. The coat, a relic of winters past, enveloped us both—a cocoon of warmth and shared secrets. Its wool scratched against my skin, but I didnt mind; it was a welcome discomfort. Her trembling fingers clung to the fabric, seeking solace, seeking absolution. And as she nuzzled my neck, her breath a delicate whisper, I felt the weight she carried—the worries etched into her bones.

In that fragile moment, our breaths merged—a symphony of vulnerability and longing. Her trembling form pressed against mine, and I tasted the salt of her skin—the residue of tears shed in solitude. The borrowed coat cocooned us, its warmth a lifeline against the chill of our fractured pasts.

Her neck was a canvas—an uncharted territory of secrets and whispered promises. I kissed the curve where her pulse fluttered, each touch a plea for understanding. She shivered, and I held her tighter, as if anchoring her to the present.

"I was so scared.... when I found you on the floor like that...... you were having such a horrible seizure you were bleeding from the mouth......." she mumbled shakily, nuzzling my jaw as i froze, realizing how that must have felt to find me like that.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered softly, rubbing my cheek on hers.

She sat back, her wide eyes teary and cheeks flushed. She shook her head, as if trying to dispel my words. But then, without warning, she leaned in, and her lips met mine with a fervor that caused my body to feel like it was burning again. The kiss was a tempest—a collision of longing and desperation. Her mouth moved against mine, a symphony of heat and vulnerability. I tasted salt—the remnants of her tears—as if she had been holding back an ocean.

I kissed her back, Ignoring my own pain. My arms pulled her closer, as if I could absorb her worries, her fears. Her body pressed against mine, my body feeling like it was being singed on fire.

"please- please don't apologize for something you can't control-" she said in between kisses, her hands wrapping around my neck. without warning my body gave a throb a heat through me, causing me to groan and kiss her deeper as she started sucking on my tongue in a way that made my gut spin.

"Ellie-" i gasped as she kissed me in a way that had my hearts thundering.

she blushed as she pulled away slightly, her lips red and swollen from our kisses. we both were out of breath as we stayed embraced, looking into each others eyes as we panted. she smiled so sweetly as her eyes darted in between mine, causing me to smile as i watched her.

"Beautiful.... your eyes haven't been green for long enough i almost forgot how beautiful they are..... onyx is beautiful too but.... I would be lying if i said i didn't miss the green" she whispered as i blushed, her thumbs tracing my cheeks.

my cheeks hurt from my smile as i watched her, feeling a little dazed as she eyed me. it felt so good to be this pampered by her as she smiled at me, her cheeks turning pink as she leaned in and kissed me again, softer this time. it was so sweet and affectionate how she gave just the softest kisses to my lips and cheeks, suckling on my bottom lip for a moment.

"so........ is it true? have you truly lost so much memory?" she asked softly, looking at me with furrowed brows as i nodded.

"Y-Yes..... I am so- so so sorry Ellie- Zeldris showed me some pictures and- and fuck i wish i could remember any of it" i stammered as my eyes filled again, feeling my eyes close as my hands at her back slid and gripped her shoulders.

"hey, Don't be sorry okay? I promise I'll do whatever I can to help you remember" she promised so sweetly in my ear, her kisses trailing over my cheeks.

In that tender moment, her words hung in the air—a melody of sweetness that resonated deep within me. Elizabeth, with her teary eyes and flushed cheeks, had a way of unraveling my defenses. I felt sappy, affectionate. Her kiss was a revelation—a bliss of too long gone without. I tasted hope and longing, and my heart raced, skipping beats in sync with hers. I smiled against her lips, bliss enveloping me like a warm embrace.

The room blurred, and for once, the world outside ceased to exist. I leaned up, desperate to deepen the connection. Our mouths moved in harmony—a dance of vulnerability and hunger. Her breath tasted of promises, and I lost myself in the rhythm of our shared need.

In that stolen moment, Elizabeth and I were no longer bound by the constraints of time or space. Our lips collided—a symphony of longing and surrender. My eyes squeezed shut, shutting out the world, leaving only her taste—the warmth of her breath, the softness of her lips. Her kiss was a revelation—a feeling of raw and tender affection. Our tongues danced, a frantic rhythm of need and salvation. I lost myself in the sensation—the way she explored my mouth, the way our breaths mingled.

saliva dripped down my chin as our kiss turned more frantic and carnal, her hands grabbing at my chest and shoulders as i blushed. a groan of delight left me when she climbed into my lap, straddling me as she kisses me deeper, suckling my tongue like her favorite candy.

"E-Ellie-!" i squeaked as she kissed my neck, causing her to sit back confused, still on my lap.

"what's wrong mel?" she asked sweetly, only further burning my cheeks as i stared up at her.

"D-Don't you- you think we should umm- w- wait on this kind of thing?" i stammered through pants for breath, wanting desperately to hump her but knowing we should wait considering everything that's happening. she pouted at this.

Her pout softened into a smile—a fleeting vulnerability that made my heart skip a beat. She nodded, and her kiss was a promise—a silent understanding. As she slid off my lap, the room seemed to exhale, releasing the tension that had coiled within us. Now, side by side, we shared the narrow bed—a sanctuary of quietude. Elizabeth laid down, her warmth seeping into my skin. She snuggled up to my side, her head finding the curve of my shoulder. Her arms wrapped over my chest, creating an intimate cocoon—a fortress against the world outside.

"okay. whatever you need meli" she whispered softly, kissing my shoulder as she nuzzled it.

"thank you....... I'm sorry I can't give you what you want" i apologized with a sigh, blushing at her kisses to my shoulder.

"It's okay, now stop apologizing okay? I love you" she murmered as my breath ceased, my whole body going tense at her words. she loves me?

"you-........ You love me?" i asked hesitantly, looking at her on my shoulder as she looked up at me sincerely.

She nodded with a smile. "yes.... i suppose that must be one of the things you forgot? because..... you had said that you had loved me too..... but It's okay, you don't have to say it back right now or ever okay? i know that with the amnesia... you might have forgotten your reason for loving me" she whispered softly as her eyes softened, causing my breath to stutter and my eyes to water.



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