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Meliodas Pov

she tasted so good, beyond good. I couldn't pull my mouth off of hers, sucking her tongue at every opportunity as she moaned her sweet song for me. her hands were buried in my hair, scratching my scalp roughly as she pulled me closer.

her thighs were wrapped tightly around my waist as I grunted, grinding, humping and holding her down to enjoy. she seemed to enjoy it more the rougher I got, causing me bury the hand not currently holding her hip in her hair and yank back, my blood boiling at the sound she made. I moaned loudly when she finished again, her gasps and high moans sounding syrupy and erotic to my ears.

"mel~! please mel~! harder~!" she screamed out as she clawed at me, her hips bucking against me.

"fuck~" I moaned back, doing as she commanded and held her steadfast for my thrusts against her drenched panties.

my hand buried in her hair trailed down, running the back of my knuckles over her soft cheek and down her jaw. once on her neck I smiled and switched to trailing the tips of my fingers down her sweet skin, slowing the movement of my hips to tease her and feeling heat flash up the back of my neck when she whimpered.

"mmm~ please don-don't slow down~" she moaned out lowly, whimpering when I didn't listen and continued trailing my fingers down her neck and onto her mostly exposed chest.

"or what? you wanna ask real nice for what you want?~" I cooed to her lowly, watching her flush a deeper red.

"mel~ i w-want you~ please don-don't t-tease~" she moaned whilst turning her face to the side, biting her lip in embarrassment.

"mmm~ but it sure is fun~" i cooed teasingly, my own blush spawning when i swerved the trailing of my fingers to the underside of one of her breasts.

she merely whimpered in response, causing me to growl as i used my free hand to snatch both of her hands to hold in a tight grip above her head. once she was firmly restrained i leaned down and kissed her again, dipping into her mouth for a taste and grunting when she sucked my tongue. my hand on her breast went from the underside to instead grope as much of her breast as i could fill into my grip, squeezing in satisfaction.

i pulled from her mouth shakily, smirking when i saw her eyes squeezed shut with crimson cheeks. after a couple more gropes of her breast i dipped my head down to kiss at the exposed skin that the mostly open shirt provided, growling at the taste of her sweet skin.

she shuddered beneath me, her breathing ragged as she struggled against the grip i held on her wrists. when she continued to wriggle and squirm against me i bit down on the exposed skin of her breasts, smirking when she blushed a darker shade with the gasp she let out. i smiled against her skin, sucking lightly to leave a mark.

"mmmellie~ please~ i'll do wha-whatever y-you want~" she moaned quietly, trying rub herself against me with her legs wrapped around my waist.

"mmm~ fuck you're just too cute for me Ellie~" moaned back lowly, letting myself enjoy her movements for a moment before thrusting roughly against her and using my body to pin hers down.

"pl-" i cut her off by kissing her roughly, pressing her down against the bed with my body as i tilted my head to dip further into her mouth.

i restarted my humping motions, gentle at first to really bask in her moans of pleasure. i trailed my hand on her breast down to her panties as i kept the gentle rocking of my hips against her, smiling when she didn't seem uncomfortable when i trailed it behind and underneath her to grope her ass.

suddenly she was shaking, moaning high and fast into my mouth as i picked up the pace at the smell of her finish. her body went limp in my hold from her bliss, causing me to sit up from her mouth, still holding her wrists with my one hand as my other groped her ass. i smirked down at her dazed face, her quiet moans causing me to slip my hand under her panties to grope her bare bottom.

"mmm~ just like that mel~ do this to me forever won't you?~ fill me with your finish won't you?~ sire children with me won't you?~ give me what i want if you love me~" she moaned softly, causing my hearts to stutter in my chest as i was suddenly finishing hard, jerking against her in shallow thrusts as i gasped.


i gasped as i woke up, still orgasming hard enough that my vision blurred. my wrists were held above my head and spread same as my legs, something tying me down and making my ankles and wrists burn as i struggled and strained in my pleasure. flashes of heat were coursing through my body as images of my Elizabeth flashed through my mind.

"El-Eliza-beth~" i moaned quietly, suddenly starving and irritated whilst feeling fatigued.

once my vision began to clear i made out two things, one i was back in my bedroom at the manor, and two i was definitely not just tied down but chained down. i looked around in confusion spotting spell runes on the windows, walls and doors for some fucking reason. after a minute or two it all came back to me, the night with Elizabeth, the phone call with zeldris, passing out when i got here, waking up and going to him, eating that food like some sort of dog and passing out again.

"Z-Zeldris! Why the fuck am i chained up!?" i bellowed out, seething with irritation and confusion.

some time passed where there was nothing, no response or signs that he heard me at all. then there was a ruckus, the sound of things crashing hushed and hurried words and what sounded like an argument that lasted like ten seconds right outside the door.

then in walked someone i was less then pleased to see right now, especially with me being restrained, my Father. he walked right in and closed the door behind him, being silent on his way to my bedside before kneeling next to it with a hand on the bed to support himself.

"meliodas..... how are you feeling?" he asked softly, catching me off guard as my scowl went blank.

"since when did you give a fuck how i was feeling?" i snapped at him, watching him look down at his own hand on the bed.

"have you been even remotely lucid enough to know what's been going on? how long you've been out?" he asked lowly, tapping his finger lightly on the blanket.

"why? how long have i been out?" i asked suddenly worried, pulling slightly at the shackles again and cringing at the pain.

"stop, don't pull at those okay? they're enchanted to hold the entire demon race combined...... it's for your own safety...... you've been out for almost a month" he answered surprisingly concerned, leaning over me to inspect the chains holding me.

"a month!? a whole fucking month!? did zeldris text Elizabeth? is she okay?" i gasped out, instantly hoping she found and used my wallet under the couch for anything needed.

"yes, we've been making sure she's fine. i've been personally sending checks to the bar she works at to make sure everything is good there. and i sent Derieri with monspeet to keep her company" he responded in a resigned tone, sighing as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"what? no, i don't want you having anything to do with her!" i yelled, glaring at him as his face changed from blank to show an emotion i had never seen on his face.

"well too late meliodas..... i am well aware you don't trust me with the simple task of helping, i assure you i am very capable" he curtly responded, adjusting the blanket that covered me.

"just let me go! i can take care of her myself!" i shouted in anger, straining to get out of the restraints.

"meliodas, with how your breeding cycle is now letting you go anywhere near her could result in you raping her and believe it or not, i am not a fool. i can see how sappy you become for her when she's around while at the same time being overprotective" he huffed at me, narrowing his eyes at me when i continued to strain.

"no! i won't hurt her you bastard! i would never hurt her! you don't have any fucking clue what you're talking about!" i snapped as i flared my powers in my attempts to get free, yelping when he suddenly shoved me down with his hand.

"knock it off meliodas. you have nothing to worry about as long as you wait this out before going to her. i won't hurt her, your girlfriend is fine and safe, derieri goes everywhere with her on the orders of 'kill anything that poses a threat to her' and monspeet is there to protect her as well but mostly to take care of technicalities like driving her to and from work and such" he droned on for a moment, causing me to stop and flush at her being called my girlfriend when i hadn't even asked her to be that yet.

i didn't respond this time, just stayed silent as my face felt like it was on fire. he seemed to not yet notice my face as he droned on about more random things that he was taking care of for her for me, vaguely mentioning something about her apartment building that i didn't catch.

"awe~ look at you all flustered" he chuckled suddenly, leaning down to see me better.

"f-fuck off!" i yelled at him in my embarrassment, trying to shrink back.

but when i looked back up at him i froze, my eyes going wide in surprise as i stared into his eyes. his demon powers were off, his true eye color showing. his eyes were a greenish hazel color, nearly four shades darker than my own with dark grey flecks and streaks in them.

this was the first time i had ever seen him without his powers activated, always appearing with that huge crest on his forehead and onyx eyes. he ignored my surprise in favor of rubbing my cheek, his eyes looking over my face curiously. even his hair looked like it was a shade brighter, now appearing a dark grey rather than black.

after a minute or two he sat back, his powers roaring back to the surface and causing his hair to sway for a moment from the flare. i just continued to stare blankly, unable to form a single word. some silence passed before he sniffed the air strangely, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye before chuckling.

"well, i'll go get you some fresh clothing and help you clean up, then i'll get you something meat based to eat" he murmered softly before standing and walking to the door, the idea of meat causing my stomach to growl as my mouth watered right as he closed the door behind him.

i laid there silently contemplating what had just happened, chewing the inside of my lip in apprehension. my mind continued to swirl around the thoughts, having now seen for the first time in my whole life my own father's eyes and him being so strangely supportive. suddenly my whole face went up in flames of embarrassment as i realized he mentioned getting me a new change of clothes and cleaning me up, which meant he knew i had finished in my pants.

the reminder of my finish reminded me of the dream, or rather, of Elizabeth. the things i had dreamt her saying. 'sire children with me won't you?~' 'give me what i want if you love me~'

i knew i felt something for her that i couldn't decipher, but love? it couldn't be love could it? demons don't feel love do they? can they? she makes me beyond happy... know that for sure, she's the physical embodiment of my happy ending but did that mean i loved her? and to want children with her? was that just in the heat of the moment dream talking or did i actually want that subconsciously?..... i mean i know that the idea of her bearing me children thrills me but that doesn't mean i want that does it? i mean of course i don't NOT want that but..... she would never want something like that with me....... and besides is it even physically possible? i know Zeldris and Gelda are different species and are have a kid but that doesn't mean it's possible for me too...... that guy mael would probably have better chances at giving her children than me.... plus she'd probably be more happy baring a half goddess than a half demon on top of that........ i thought as a strange feeling prickled up in the back of my mind, the same as when i called zeldris and he told me to come here.

my body began heating up in strange heat flashes as i huffed, my vision blurring some as i strained against the restraints. something was wrong and i had no clue how to fix it, feeling sudden waves of panic flood through me.

not only was something wrong with me, but what if Elizabeth was in danger? what i she needs me and because of these chains i can't help her? i thought worriedly, feeling my power flare back up.

what if that fucker mael asks her out while i'm not there to tell him to fuck off? what if he kisses her? why does monspeet get to hang out with her and i don't? i thought darkly, my darkness infecting my thoughts as i used more power against my restraints.

my mind was flood with dark images, Elizabeth kissing someone- anyone but myself. her smiling at others, running her hands down their arms and holding their hands. mael holding her while they dance. monspeet at a candle lit dinner with her.

suddenly the thoughts went silent, the images gone out like a candle flame replaced with darkness enveloped in her sweet scent. the sudden calmness her scent brought me had me dozing off easily, knowing there was a soft cloth over my face but that's it.

"hush, hush now meliodas. don't let the breeding cycle drive you mad" i heard my father's voice murmur softly, Ellie's scent on my nose lulling into a strange slumber.



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