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Elizabeth pov

It's been a full month since I've seen Meliodas, I managed to get all the way out of the demon territory. I now work as a bartender at a small bar called 'right rain' and it's a pretty easy job. I'm actually acquaintances with most everyone I work with now, they're pretty friendly. I live in a small apartment now.

"Hey, Elizabeth? I'm going on a date tonight. What do think I should wear? Red and sexy or black and sexy?" My friend Jericho asked me,

"Hmm I don't know, red I guess?" I said unsure,

"Alright! Red it is!" She spoke happily,

She skipped off to go change while I simply sat there finding it entertaining that she was so excited. I looked over to Guila who was also finding it rather humorous.

"Y'know I think she underestimates herself because this is the third date she's gone on this week with the same guy and yet she still worries he's gonna ditch her" Guila spoke truthfully,

"Yeah, she does doesn't she" I said softly,

"Omg Elizabeth you were so right! This is perfect!" Jericho said excitedly, running around the corner.

She was wearing a red cocktail dress. She smiled and slipped on a coat to go with it before she skipped out the door.

"So, what will you be doing today Elizabeth?" Guila asked turning to me,

"I'll probably go to the library today" I said thinking about what book I might read,

"Oh come on, it's your day off and your going to the library? Why don't you go out? There is that coworker who's been flirting with you for awhile now, why don't you ask him out? Mael was it?" She asked softly,

(Yes I know In the anime and manga Mael and estarosa are the same person but this is my story so I'll screw shit up until I'm satisfied)

For some reason the thought of dating hurt, it made me remember Meliodas, and I missed Meliodas. I also learned that the things I did with Meliodas were much more intimate then just friends. Which explains why Meliodas always got so embarrassed when we did them. (Y'know like when they shared a bed or cuddled) I also learned from watching Jericho interact with howser and from reading stories that Meliodas actually flirted quite a bit, which still makes me blush to think about.

"Elizabeth I didn't mean to upset you, we can stay here if that's better" Guila asked softly,

"Actually I think I'll go get some coffee, see you later" I said leaving,

Meliodas, why do I have to miss you so much?


Sitting outside the coffee shop with some hot coffee was a nice distraction, the breeze chilling my skin, the snow blowing through the air as I watched it all gain a orange hue from the sunset.

Night set in swiftly, bringing more snow with it. But I was not fazed by this, no, I was far too lost in the memories of being able to hang out with meliodas.

Being naive was a blessing. Because I was able to fool myself into thinking meliodas might actually want me as his friend. But no, not me.


Starting my day of work off with me being a clutz, I tripped in the bath and now I have a headache.

"Hi, Jericho. How did your date go?" I asked softly as I cleaned the counter off.

"Ah~ it went amazing. Thanks for asking" she said dreamily,

"Yea, no problem" I responded with a smile,

"So~ when will you be out there stealing people's hearts?" She asked teasingly,

"Jericho...... Y'know what? Im just gonna be blunt. I still have feelings for someone I used to know, so it hurts to talk about this" I said ignoring the cold feeling in my gut at admitting it,

"Seriously? Holy fuck let's get ice cream later to make it feel better" Guila spoke coming out of nowhere,

I ignored that invitation in favor of getting to work. Feeling a painfully uncomfortable lump in my throat.

Work passed in a blur and before I even knew it another week had passed.

Sitting in bed staring at the ceiling on a day off was only reminding me of him...... Because if I was hanging out with him we would probably be out doing something rather then sitting here.

I miss him so much it feels like I'm suffocating.... I wish I could see him..... Wait

The idea almost jump scared me with how abrupt it was. I still have the phone he gave me! Maybe I could just chat with him or maybe find a picture of him? It wouldn't hurt to just say hi would it?

I thought as I rummaged through my bag...... Ah ha! I found it.

Pulling it out and putting it on the charger with enough adrenaline to make me jittery.

I waited and waited.


After awhile it was done and I was already turning it on.

I was estounded at seeing all the unread texts, missed calls and voicemails.

I hesitantly opened one of the voicemails.

"Hey..... I know you will probably never hear this but..... I miss you. it hurts y'know? To know what I had within my grasp but knowing I failed to keep it...... I don't know where you are or what happened to make you leave w-without even s-saying goodbye..... But, no matter what it may be, if I can fix it, no matter the cost, please let me do so. I need you" he sounded like he was crying, it hurt to hear.

If I'm just for looks then why does he sound so upset? I thought as my will to avoid him broke.

I need to make sure he's okay, at least a text. But.... What do I say?

*Hi* I texted biting my nails from nervousness.

He came online in record speeds. I gasped as I saw that he was calling.

I answered hesitantly.

Not hearing anything made me jittery.

"E-ellie?" He spoke so quietly I almost didn't hear him,

"Meliodas" I responded softly. I heard him breath deeply for a moment after I spoke.

"Are you okay? H-how are you?" He asked softly, it sounded like he was on the verge of crying again.

"Y-yes..... I'm okay, been better. How are you?" I spoke as my throat tightened painfully.

He didn't respond to my question.

"I miss you...... Please.... Whatever it is that made you leave...... Let me fix it. I'll do whatever you need or want j-just..... Please, please come home" he whispered softly,

It felt like eternity of silence as I sat there deciding.

I can't not go, he sounds so upset.

"Okay" I whispered shakily,

"R-really?! You will?" He asked suddenly hyper,

"Yes, But I don't know how I will. I'm pretty far away" I spoke still nervous,

"I'll c-come get you! Where are you?" He spoke excitedly,



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