you remembered?

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Elizabeth POV

I laughed as Meliodas climbed the tree, intent on reaching the bird nest in which a small bird fell from.

We were just walking, strolling with hot chocolate in hand after a breakfast in which I couldn't stop blushing, when it happened, a small bird fell right on meliodas's head.

And then he had been dead set on getting it back up there, having an adorable little pout when I giggled at him.

However, I shrieked when he fell, having been spotted by the mother bird and knocked off.

He hit the ground with a thump, a mumbled curse slipping from his lips when he landed.

"Are you okay?!" I worried, grabbing his hand to help him up.

"Yup, especially seeing as i was able to get the bird in the nest before she saw me" he beamed, seemingly pleased to have accomplished his mission.

Suddenly his phone beeped and he smiled as he looked at the screen.

"Well, time for the second part of out d-date" he spoke clearly attempting to act smooth but stammering at the end.

We walked side by side, just a small gap in between us. My mind continued to wander to the idea of holding his hand.

Would it be okay for me to hold his hand? Would it make him uncomfortable? My mind seemed to block out everything else, my mind fogged with the idea of how warm his hand might be.


Here we go! ❤❤❤❤


Meliodas pov

She looks upset..... I hope it's not my fault, I was hoping she would be happy today, her birthday..... That is why I waited till today too..... And goddamm if it wasn't hard to resist saying happy birthday when she woke up....... In my arms snuggled up to me..... Shit that was awesome! Having her so close was thrilling. I thought as I watched her watch my hand with a look of concern.

Is there something on my hand? I thought as I lifted it up to examine it.

Nope, nothing, there is nothing wrong with my hand. I thought curiously, as I watched her look away with a cute blush.

I kinda want to hold her hand........ Would she be okay with the idea of holding my hand? I thought as my cheeks began to burn with the idea.

"H-hey, m-meliodas?" She squeaked, turning to me with red cheeks.

"Yeah? What's up?" I responded tilting my head in curiosity, her blush deepened as she looked at me.

Huh, I wonder if it's something I did to make her blush like that. No, probably not. I thought as she glanced at my hand again before looking away.

"Can I hold yo-your h-hand?" She stammered, her ears beginning to gain a pink hue.

Granted, her blush was way cuter then mine..... I look fuckin stupid with red cheeks.

But I definitely did not have the guts to verbally accept, even though I was beyond thrilled that she wanted the same thing as me.

So I silently slid my hand into hers, enjoying the warmth that spread through me at the contact.

She looked at me with a smile so warm it felt as though my hearts stuttered. But alas, it was time for lunch.

As we arrived at the restaurant I made sure to lead her steadily in, holding her hand with pride.

My Sweet (Modern SDS AU) Where stories live. Discover now