that's interesting

146 7 1

Elizabeth pov

I sat on the couch, relaxing as Zeldris played cards Against Humanity with gelda, guila and Jericho.

Meliodas sat right at my side, one leg crossed over the other at the ankle, elbow resting on his knee supporting his chin as we watched them play.

"Okay, here it is. 'Spice up your sex life by bringing Blank into the bedroom" Guila spoke, grinning as everyone playing sorted through their cards before laying them on the table.

"Okay...... 'Spice up your sex life by bringing your grandma's vibrator into the bedroom" Guila was going ew through saying it.

"Okay whoever put that in is fuckin gross" Zeldris gagged.

Meliodas hummed in agreement at my side, momentarily glancing at me before looking back.

"Okay........... 'Spice up your sex life by bringing a cousin on your father's side into the bedroom" Guila was visibly nauseous from that one, while Jericho was laughing like it was the funniest thing she'd ever heard.

"Jeez y'all have no chill" meliodas noted quietly, leaning back on the couch.

"Yeah, and the hell is up with these incest jokes? They ain't funny they just gross" Zeldris agreed.

"Okay....... 'Spice up your sex life by bringing A magazine of 45 caliber rounds and gasoline into the bedroom" guila was actually laughing at this one, along with gelda and zeldris.

"Now that was a good one! Whoever put this in wins" guila laughed, wiping a tear from her eye.

"Yes!" Zeldris cheered, snatching his winning card from her.

"Wait a minute, doesn't that mean that gelda played a incest joke?" Meliodas inquired curiously, raising an eyebrow at her.

"It was the only thing in here worth any salt" she laughed, smiling softly when zeldris joined her enthusiasm.

I yawned quietly, laying back further to get comfortable. I noticed meliodas was watching me curiously.

"Hey, if your tired let me help you to bed, if you sleep here you might wake up with a sore neck" he spoke sincerely, turning to me a bit more.

Does he have to be so sweet? He shouldn't even still be here and yet..... Here he is, if he didn't care about me wouldn't he have already left? I haven't given him any reason to stay but he... He's still here, right here next to me I thought incredulously, smiling softly at him.

He tilted his head adorably at me, my smile only widening at his cuteness.

My eyes suddenly felt heavy, but even so, I couldn't look away from the emeralds staring back at me.

And before I could finish processing how greatful I was for him, I was out.

Sleeping peacefully, knowing my everything was at my side only made my sleep more comfortable.

I awoke to sound of a hum, slight movement bringing the warm embrace wrapped around me to my attention.

I blushed as I opened my eyes, seeing exactly what I knew I'd see.


He was sound asleep, wrapped around me snugly.

I couldn't help staring at him, a soft smile making its way to my face.

My daze was cut off by Zeldris speaking quietly.

"When he saw you fall asleep he moved you to lay on his lap so that you'd be more comfortable, but then he fell asleep too, and curled around you in his sleep..... It's adorable really, how careful he is with you, how much he cares for you. Ya know, I may not know why you left, I may never know but, all I can say is, please don't do it again, it hurt so much seeing him suffer like that, wondering what he had done to make you leave" zeldris mumbled, a single tear sliding down his cheek before gelda wiped it off.

"I won't, I promise" I spoke honestly, my heart hammering with emotions in my chest.

"Okay, I'll hold ya to it" he spoke turning away.

Meliodas's grip seemed to tighten around me after I spoke, mumbling something about food but not waking.

"Omg, that's adorable" gelda noted as she came in the front door with bags, Jericho right behind her.

"Awe~ they look so cute together~ you guys got pics right? This is too good to pass up" Jericho gushed, smirking as she pulled out her phone.

"Yep, don't worry, I got plenty pictures of them while they were sleeping, they are just too adorable when they're together" Zeldris agreed, pulling out his phone.

"H-hey! Don't d-do that! That's embarrassing" I complained, blushing furiously.

"Oh come on, your no fun, you can't tell me you don't want at least one of these for your background pic" Zeldris Beamed, showing me the phone.

It really was a cute picture...... My head nestled snugly under his chin, him smiling in his sleep, my smile barely visible from how snug I was against him, his arms wrapped around me.

My blush entensified ten fold at the sight of it, snuggled so closely to him.

Then I realized. I'm still snuggled up against him..... Will he be upset when he wakes if he sees the position we're in? I thought worriedly, snapping out of my trance when zeldris pulled his phone away.

"I'm gonna send this to you and him so that y'all can use it how you see fit, I'm keeping the rest until I see it fit to share" he spoke with a grin, putting his phone away.

"Yeah, we can put it in an album for when they are married and have 100 kids" Jericho chimed in, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"What!? Married?? What are you talking about???" I squeaked, my blush burning my cheeks.

"Hmm? What's who talking about?" Meliodas inquired waking up, slowly loosening his grip around me.

"Oh just how cute you two look together" Jericho grinned, shameless as ever.

"Oh...... Sorry Elizabeth, I didn't mean to, I must've rolled over in my sleep" he spoke sheepishly, gently moving away slightly.

The sudden distance made me feel a bit strange, but I brushed it off.

I just nodded in response to him, keeping silent as to not embarrass myself any further.

"Well, anyway~ I bought breakfast" guila lightened the mood with a smile.

"Yummy, I just so happen to love food" zeldris beamed, grabbing gelda and scooching them both closer to the food.

"How's you head?" Meliodas asked sincerely, tilting his head as he waited for an answer.

"Oh, it's fine, slight headache but much better then yesterday thank you for asking" I responded smiling at him, before being handed food.



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