What is wrong with me?

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meliodas pov

even falling asleep that night became tedious, under the blanket was too hot, out of the blanket was too cold. my mouth and throat kept flooding with saliva, and my hips kept rolling instinctually from the arousal that I couldn't shake. I didn't know what to do or how to handle this, especially with my body burning with the desire to touch her. do I give in and wake her to give us both some relief? would she agree to such a thing in the middle of the night? do I resist and take a cold bath to hide from my desires? do I call Zeldris?

I sat up gently so as to not wake the beauty next to me, sliding my legs off the bed and tiptoeing to the Livingroom before slipping into the kitchen silently. after dialing Zeldris's number in my phone I rocked on the balls of my feet nervously, knowing I wasn't going to like this conversation.

"Dude it's 2am what the actual fuck is wrong with you?" zeldris growled on the other side, the vague sound of fabric being moved along side rain sounds.

"That's WhaT i'd LIke to Know" I garbled through the phone, strangely unable to speak clearly.

"..... have you and Elizabeth had sex yet?" he asked suddenly wide awake, his tone serious and almost concerned.

"nO, Why?" I asked through my blush, having to lean against the counter for support with a quiet growl as another wave of heat coursed through me so intense my vision blurred.

"get in your car and come here, don't go wake her or interact with her, in fact don't even look at her. it doesn't matter if you're dressed or not just leave there now" he ordered quickly, slightly panicked.

"Why-" "Now Damnit! You care about Elizabeth right? you'd do anything for her right? then don't fucking question me and listen here, you Will hurt her if you don't go" he barked out at me, making my eyes widen as I froze.

what did he know that I didn't?

I didn't say anything else, just hung up, hurried to the Livingroom and grabbed my keys before running out of the apartment silent making sure to lock the door behind me. i nearly tripped on my down the stairs of the apartment complex when another wave of heat flashed through my body causing me to grapple onto the wall for support.

suddenly there were images flying through my mind, the things me and Elizabeth had done, our intimacies. when we kissed, my tongue in her mouth. when i'd hump her for our pleasures, my clothed dick against her panties.

it became hard to breathe as i imagined going back to her, climbing bed and waking her with a kiss before grinding against her..... taking her clothes off and tasting her skin....

Zeldris's words flashed through my mind like the cracking of a whip, 'You will hurt her if you don't go' i was quick to continue down the stairs before leaving and getting in my car. the engine roared to life at the turn off my key, the tires squealing as i sped out.

my mind only continued to give flashes of the pleasure i could have with my beautiful Elizabeth, making me struggle to drive as i followed not even one traffic law and went straight onto the interstate to head to the demon territories. a sudden flash of pain in my groin made me swerve with a groan as i took one of my hands off the steering wheel to cup my crotch in an attempt to stifle the pain.


i walked in the double doors at my house with a growl, hunched over as my body seemed to continue to pulse with pain and vague flecks of pleasure the further away from the human territory i got. the sounds of someone running towards me was muffled but not unheard, making me attempt to look at them but only to see blurs as i squinted at them.

darkness enveloped me as someone picked me up off the ground easily, walking hurriedly with me to who knows where. vaguely making out two people, the one holding me and one to the side, speaking worriedly. i had no idea what they were saying, just that they sounded worried. it was horrifying, to have no idea what was wrong with me but to know it wasn't good.


a quiet moan left me, Elizabeth's lips hot and wet against mine as i dipped into her mouth. her whimpers of delight made me shiver against her as we rolled again, nearly toppling off the bed in our passion. gasping when she rolled her hips over my arousal again, her cheeks looking flushed as she peered at me under long lashes.

"meliodas~ go faster~ hold me tighter~ i want you~ forever~ stay with me~" she moaned to me, her nails scratching down my chest and causing me to arch my back into the pain as more pleasure sparked under her hands.

"Eliz-Elizabeth~ fuck i- i- i want you~ i need you please~" i moaned back lowly, holding her hips in a bruising grip as i rolled back on top to continue my thrusts against her panties, wanting more then anything to remove them and bury my tongue in her.

"than take me~!" she moaned out, suddenly arching as she came against me, making my thrusts feel more erotic.

i leaned down to return to kissing her, grunting at the feeling of her fluids soaking into my clothes as i grinded against her. her hands buried in my hair as she sucked on my tongue, her own tongue slipping into my mouth to tangle with mine. i couldn't breathe passed my own incoming orgasm, gasping when she suddenly pushed me out of the kiss to instead hug my face against her breasts.


i woke with a start, low drawn out moans leaving me as my hips bucked up into the air slightly, my cum filling my pants. my body felt fucking great, the throbbing of pleasure as my dream continued to flash through my mind.

"Ellie~" i whispered in a moan, holding onto the pillows by my head as my hips continued to shift and buck slightly.

after a couple minutes the initial high began to taper off, making me whine quietly before settling. another while passed as i laid there satisfied by nothing more then a dream, my mind slowly waking up as i yawned.

"wait a minute-" i gasped as i sat up, looking around my room and remembering what had happened and instantly worrying about Elizabeth.

"what the fuck was that about?" i asked myself aloud, staring at my hands as i remembered the strange feeling of unbridled lust towards Elizabeth.

okay, so when the sun comes up i will be demanding zeldris tell me what happened and then text Elizabeth how sorry i am for just suddenly leaving..... speaking of which where is my phone? i thought as i began to look around for my phone, slipping out of bed to walk on stiff legs to look around.

it wasn't in the bed with me, it wasn't on either of my nightstands, it wasn't on my tables, or any of the shelves. when i couldn't find it in my room i hurried over to my closet and grabbed some new night pants since the ones i was wearing were drenched, not bothering with boxers or a shirt. after settling for a plain white pair i slipped both my boxers and pants off in one go before sliding the fresh ones on.

i didn't bother grabbing a shirt and just left my room, ignoring the chill that coated my sweaty skin in goosebumps as i rushed to zeldris's room. the halls echoed they when i knocked on his door, shivering slightly as i wondered if he took my phone.

the door opened to reveal a tired looking zeldris who's eyes went as wide as saucers when he saw me, his tiredness seemingly disappearing as he pulled me into his room and shut the door. he was quick to usher me to sit on the edge of his bed and wrap me in blankets, the sound of gelda stirring making me feel bad for waking them.

"he's finally awake..... i'll go grab something for him to eat" gelda murmered before getting up and disappearing before i could protest, making me feel even worse.

"z-zeldris... sorry for waking you" i apologized quietly, lowering my head to him as the blanket made me feel tired again.

"hey, don't apologize. i'm just glad you're finally awake, you've been out for nearly a week" he whispered to me, actually hugging me close.

i was both surprised by the hug and the news, out for nearly a week.

"what? I've been asleep that long? fuck, did you at least text Elizabeth about what happened, whatever that may be?" i asked worriedly, watching him step back and scratch the back of his head sheepishly.

"sort of..... it's not really my place to have that sort of conversation with her.... considering that you're in a breeding cycle.... hell for the time being you can't even talk to her in general, or see her for that matter of fact" he responded in resigned tone, looking remorseful.

"i'm in a what? a breeding cycle? what the fuck is that? and how do you know what it is?" i snapped out, my jaw slightly slack.

"it's.... umm..... i'll let father tell you..... but, i did tell Elizabeth that you are okay and will talk to her about it when you get the chance" he responded with a sigh, looking down at his shoes.

i went to say something more but then gelda walked in, with something that smelled absolutely delicious and before i knew it i was standing next to her staring at her blankly. after a moment of uncomfortable silence she handed me the plate silently, returning to zeldris's side the moment i grabbed the plate.

before i could think about it i was practically mauling the food i was given, growling like some sort of dog gone rabid. i even ate the fucking bones, the crunching sounds filling the room as i left nothing on the plate.

what's going on? what's wrong with me? i just ate that like a half starved dog! i thought as i stared blankly at the plate, trying to process what just happened as my body warmed with strange pangs.

"i-i'll go get you more f-food!" zeldris yelped out, seemingly just as surprised as i am.

before he could even move i blacked out, the sound of a gasp as i fell to the ground being the last thing i remember before going into a dreamless slumber.



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