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Elizabeth pov

Sitting in my living room an hour after meliodas said he come and get me, I really am pretty far away from him......

Meliodas is coming.... He's really coming for me..... Should I wear something? Maybe I could impress him.... Wait no, why am I thinking like this? Well.... It might have something to do with the fact that I really can't live without him. I'm happy with my life now but.... Not the same happiness I had with my meliodas..... Wait! 'My meliodas'? Whats wrong with me? He's not mine, not even close.

I sat fiddling with my shirt nervously.

What if he doesn't like me anymore? Wait, he didn't like me to begin with. I'm 'just for looks' as he put it...... I'll be lucky if he even pretends to care.

But he sounded upset.... Its probably something else causing this though...... Like maybe Liz? I'm assuming that he still loves her and just lied about it to make me believe him. So maybe she upset him? Yeah..... Thats probably it.....

I continued to process what could cause the way he sounded. Not even realizing how long it'd been, how fast the time was passing.

It was sunset before I even realized it.

After this realization I got up to make sure there was something for meliodas to eat, seeing as it was getting late.

But before I could reach the kitchen I froze at the sound of knocking. Turning back slowly. I walked up to the door nervously.

I waited nervously for some kind of confirmation that was him.

After a minute he spoke.

"Elizabeth..... Are you in there? Its meliodas" he spoke softly,

I opened the door nervously. I did not however expect to see him like that, red puffy eyes as if he'd been crying, disheveled dirty clothes and exhaustion written all over his face.

I stood there silently, absolutely stunned that he actually came.

"If I'm dreaming again I don't want to wake up....." He whispered so quietly I'm sure he didn't realize he said it out loud.

Again? Is this something he usually dreams of? I thought curiously.

"Umm...... M-may i-i come i-in?- U-unless you're uncomfortable with that! If-if you want I can stay out he-here -or w-we could go get c-coffee or something.... W-whatever you want......" He spoke concerned,

I stepped out of the way as a silent gesture to come in, nodding in affirmation.

He followed silently.

I walked back to my living room silently listening to him as he followed me.

Once seated I watched as he looked around the room with those tired eyes of his, examining every little detail.

He looked back to me with curiosity under the serface.

Wait I thought as I noticed something, his eyes.

"Meliodas..... Did you ever find out why your eyes turn green like that?" I asked curiously, he seemed happy that I spoke.

"N-no..... Zeldris wouldn't tell me. He said he would tell me only after we found you" he spoke softly, watching me incredulously as if deciphering if I was actually here.

I realized that I had completely forgotten my manners.

"Please, have a seat if you'd like" I said gesturing to the couch,

He sat silently, before adjusting to face me.

"S-so..... Ellie...... Umm.... Its a nice place you g-got here" he spoke softly,

"Mhm..... I guess so......" I spoke nervously,

What do I say? What do I do? He looks so tired......

"Umm meliodas?" I spoke softly, he looked at me curiously.

"Yes, Elizabeth?" He responded just as softly,

"Are you tired? You look exhausted....." I said concerned,

"Oh..... Yeah.... If it bothers you I'm sorry...... I couldn't sleep knowing I did something wrong..... To cause you to leave.... And I.... Didn't know where you were or if you were okay so..... I was too worried" he spoke quietly, his voice cracking with emotion.

He was too worried to sleep? Just how much sleep is he deprived of because of me?

"I...... Meliodas.... I'm sorry.... I didn't know I was causing you problems" I spoke feeling my throat tighten painfully.

"No, Its not your fault. I did something wrong and you were upset and left....... As much as it may have hurt..... As much as it hurts to know you didn't want to talk to me about it so we could resolve the issue, doesn't change the fact that it was my fault over all. So why should you be sorry for my faults? That's right you shouldn't, you should never be sorry for how you feel" he spoke with a hiccup.

Was he resisting crying right now? Was he really that upset?

"Meliodas" I asked softly,

"Elizabeth?" He responded, his voice cracking.

It hurt to hear him sound like that. So much so that I put my hand on the side of his face, watching as his face lit up and he leaned into my hand.

I Pulled him closer, listening to the tiny gasps he let out. I gently laid his head on my lap, stroking his hair when he was settled. I could feel him shivering in my hold as he pressed his face closer and breathed deeply.

"Rest up, meliodas" i spoke softly,

"O-okay..... Thank you" I heard him mumble,

Hours passed as I watched him sleep peacefully, only adjusting a couple times.

He bummed in his sleep as he unconsciously wrapped his arms around me. Seeing his body become covered in a golden light jolted me out of my daze.

Is it morning!? How? Was I THAT distracted to have sat here wide awake all night? 

I heard him mumble something I couldn't understand before shifting in his slumber, pulling himself closer.

Suddenly he was sitting straight up as if jump scared, staring at me with wide green eyes full of something I didn't recognize.

He's looked at me like that before..... But I still don't know what emotion it is that causes it..... This look full of such warmth it makes my throat tighten.

"It wasn't a dream......." He whispered as if trapped in a daze,

I have to change the topic.

"G-good morning meliodas" i mumbled softly,

He stared at me for another moment before speaking.

"Good morning..... Ellie......" He responded,

It was another moment of uncomfortable silence, but was interrupted by my stomach growling.

"Oh... Wanna go get some food? I saw a Perkins down the street from here.... And to my recollection your favorite is the blueberry muffin right?" He asked sincerely,

He remembers.....



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