the norm.

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meliodas pov

I woke with a yawn, slowly slunking out of bed as I stretched with a groan. a smile made it's way onto my face when i spotted gelda and zeldris still sleeping on the couch, before heading into the kitchen to see Elizabeth making breakfast and smirking at the tasty smell of eggs and bacon.

"hi, good morning" i whispered to avoid waking the lovebirds in the other room, smiling at the smile she sent my way.

"hey good morning.... aren't they just adorable?" she responded quietly, sliding more scrambled eggs onto the plate, before reaching over and cracking more onto the pan.

she smiled at me as i nodded in agreement, seasoning the eggs as she cooked them. i glanced at the clock as i watched it go from 5:34am to 5:35am, grinning as i realized that i used to think this was early in the morning and now i thought of this as the norm.

an hour or so passed as we chit chatted quietly, trying to avoid waking them as we enjoyed each others presence. and then breakfast was done, smiling at each other as we brought it all to the living room to set it on the coffee table.

"zel, wake up it's time for breakfast" I whispered to him, shaking his shoulder gently to get his attention.

"huh..... no it wasn't me.... fu- oh.. good morning meliodas" he yawned, sitting up slightly.

"uh huh, yeah what uh, what were you dreamin bout?" I asked in curiosity, raising a brow at his confused look.

".... I don't really know actually.... some confusing ass shit I guess- y'all made breakfast?" he asked in astonishment, staring at the coffee table full of food.

"no, just Elizabeth. you know good and well if I made this it'd be poison" I joked with a grin, watching as gelda woke up and wrapped around zeldris.

"oh.... where is she anyway?" he asked glancing around as gelda played with his hair, sniffing the air as he looked as if noting the scent of coffee.

"she went to the kitchen to make coffee" I answered simply, smiling when he checked his phone with wide eyes.

"it's 6:15.... why are you up so early?" he asked curiously, tilting his head as he stared at me.

"because we have a long road trip ahead of us..... plus for me and her this is normal because usually she works at 6:00am so we usually have to get up pretty early" I spoke offhandedly, taking a seat on the couch across from him.

"damn.... I've never been more grateful for being in a company that has lax rules for me" he chuckled tiredly, looking at the doorway to the kitchen suddenly.

"good morning, how'd you guys sleep? i'm sorry if it wasn't very comfortable" she apologized, clasping her hands in front of herself.

"I slept great, my sweet zel makes everything better" gelda sighed dreamily, massaging his shoulders slightly.

"ah~ how sweet~" I teased, smirking as he turned red.

"shut up!" Zeldris yelped in embarrassment, his face a deep crimson as he glared at me.

"but I don't want to~" I grinned, leaning forward slightly.

"please don't argue" Elizabeth asked sweetly, taking a seat on the couch next to me.

it was like all the tension from the room was blown out like a candle, replaced by a relaxing atmosphere. I just smiled at her with a nod, sitting back in couch as I relaxed.

"mmm~ that looks like it'd be pretty tasty for you huh?" gelda distracted zeldris with idea of eating, gesturing to the food on the table.

"yeah, you guys should eat up while it's hot" Elizabeth agreed, looking at me to go ahead as well.

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