i can handle it.

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Elizabeth POV

I woke up feeling dazed, a strange warmth keeping me comfortable.

But the strangest thing was the rising and falling of the strangely warm pillow my head rested on, the strange thumping that I realized with a start that had heard before.

Meliodas!? I thought with a start, realizing I was laying on his chest, his arms wrapped snuggly around me.

I turned my head up to face him, praying to everything above that he was asleep. This will be far too embarrassing if he's awake I thought with a blush.

Thankfully, he was asleep, sound asleep. His face was purely at peace, a gentle smile gracing his lips.

I unconsciously began gently stroking his cheek, enjoying the warmth against my palm, tha idea of escaping the situation long forgotten.

He hummed in his slumber, leaning into my touch without knowing. I gently pulled myself closer, nuzzling just under his chin.

I sighed once I was comfortable, wrapping my arms around his torso.


I awoke to the feeling of movement, as If meliodas was trying to be stealthy in moving away from me.

"G-good morning m-meliodas" I mumbled, feeling him freeze when I spoke.

"Sorry I woke y-you..... Good morning" he spoke softly in return, gently ghosting his hand over my shoulder.

I looked up at him with a smile, my cheeks slightly tinged with pink. His hand suddenly moving away as if realizing his own movement.

"Don't be sorry, I need to get up anyway" I murmured softly, snatching his hand before it could return to his side.

His cheeks turned crimson as he watched me intertwine our fingers.

Suddenly he snapped his head to look the other way, his hand closing around mine.

"W-we have th-that d-date today..... " he stammered, his palm feeling hot in mine.

My squeak of excitement caused me a blush, because I did not actually remember that.

I can't wait! I'm finally going on a date with meliodas! I thought giddily, pulling his hand to my lap and holding it with both of mine.

"Mhm..... Where are you taking me out of pure curiosity?" I asked softly, rubbing the back of his hand gently.

I felt him shiver as I continued my ministrations.

"You'll have to-to w-wait an-and see" he stuttered, peeking back at me from under his bangs.

I hummed as stood from the bed, letting go of his hand as I went.

"I'm gonna go take a shower, you can raide the kitchen for food if your hungry" I yawned, walking to the bathroom before his voice stopped me.

"I..... I got you something to wear for today..... You don't have to wear it but, I just thought It'd look good on you" his sentence ended in a whisper, turning back to see him staring at his lap with crimson cheeks.

"I will happily wear it, thank you" I responded happily, smiling wider when he looked up at me with a grin.

"Yeah, it's no problem.... Oh, by the way it's already in the bathroom for you" he beamed, standing with a stretch.

"So that's what you were sneaking into there" I teased, finding it cute how he stood a little taller with a pout when I said that.

"Maybe~" he smirked, before I walked in and closed the door.

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