Forever More.

158 6 3

Elizabeth POV

I woke to the sound of knocking, and was slightly curious as to why someone was at the door seeing as it was still dark outside.

So I wandered over to the door and opened it gently, to my surprise there stood Meliodas, with a blush he looked at me with an apologetic smile.

"Umm....... So I was...... Kinda finding it hard to sleep......... Without you" he spoke scratching the back of his neck,

"Oh? Is there something I could do to fix it?" I asked curiously,

"W-well........ I was hoping I could talk you into coming over to my room, so maybe....... Like........ Ah shit I don't know, I came over here without thinking of what to say" he spoke sounding exhausted,

"Sure, like a sleep over in a sleep over?" I said cheerfully,

"Uh, y-yeah I guess so" Meliodas said gesturing for me to follow him out of the room, as we walked down the hallway we could here some strange noises echoing down one of the halls.

"Umm Meliodas? What's that sound?" I asked him quietly,

"You don't want to know" Meliodas said sounding less then pleased,

"Oh...... Okay" i said as he opened the door to his room, it was that same room I woke up in the first time I was here,

I walked in slowly, as to not bump anything.

"You don't need to be so cautious, the room won't bite you." He spoke teasingly.

I just giggled softly before turning to face him, but when I looked to his face there was one thing that I noticed instantly, one thing that I couldn't help but stare at for just a moment.

His eyes were green once more.

"M-meliodas?" I asked concerned,

He looked at me curiously. "Yes?" He responded calmly,

"W-well........ Your eyes are g-green again........" I spoke softly, he seemed a bit surprised

But then he closed his eyes slowly and shook his head softly,

"Oh, well I guess I forgot to ask zeldris if he knew anything about it...... But........ If it ends up...... Being..... B-bad or permanent....... Do you....... *sigh* i-i don't know I...... I guess I was hoping you might have something........ Like...... N-never mind f-for-get i-i sa-said anything" Meliodas stuttered looking down, I could vaguely see what looked like a few tears dripping down his chin.

The moment I saw that I wrapped myself around him pulling him into an embrace.

"Hey, come on you can tell me. You can trust me." I spoke into his hair.

He sighed.

"Yeah, I know but....... I just didn't want you to get uncomfortable and leave....." He spoke softly leaning back to look at me.

"Oh? Well you don't have to worry about that because I'm not going anywhere," I spoke truthfully with a smile.

He just smiled in return, but there was something else, something deeper hidden behind the emerald of his eyes, the emerald that I was growing quite fond of.

"Well, let's worry about all this another time yea? I'm rather tired and a little bit excited to spend tomorrow with you." He said with a blooming blush and darker green eyes.

He then pulled me to lay down on the bed by his side, I smiled as he climbed up and patted next to himself.

I obliged to his non verbal request and climbed in bed next to him with a slight blush blooming from the look he gave me as I got comfortable.

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