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Elizabeth POV

I woke up extremely excited for the day, I was gonna get to see my family today!

My mind was hazed over as realized how close my face was to Meliodas's, I could feel his heated breath fanning over my face, and sending pleasing chills down my spine,

I was kissing his cheek before I even realized it, as my face turned crimson out of embarrassment,

his eyes shot open with a blush covering his cheeks,

But I was stunned the world around became a blur as I gazed at him,

His eyes were green? Emerald Green the most beautiful green I'd ever seen "m-Meliodas...... Your eyes are green?" I said as I continued to stare at his eyes,

His eyes widened as his entire face turned crimson,

"W-what! What do you mean they're green?!?" he seemed panicked to hear that as his eyes faded back to black,

He then sat up and climbed off the couch slowly backing away from me, I immediately felt like my world just cracked open as I stood to try to comfort him in whatever was wrong, but he just backed off even more,

"Meliodas? What's wrong? I'm sorry if I upset you" I said trying not to get emotional,

"N-no...... You d-didn't do anything wrong....... I just........." he sighed and looked down almost as if he was ashamed,

"You just what Meliodas?" I asked curiously,

"I don't know what it means...... Its been happening for awhile now and...... I still don't know what it means" he said glancing back up at me, it was both a relief to know I didn't do anything wrong but slightly scary to think about his eyes changing color for no reason however I did like the way his eyes looked,

I just smiled and walked over giving him a hug in an attempt to calm him,

"its alright I bet we can ask your brothers tomorrow when we visit........ Well we'll have to go now if it hurts..... So does it?" I asked him with concern,

"no it just....... It feels like I'm floating..... And there is a strange feeling in my stomach that makes it hard to focus" he said pulling himself deeper into the hug, as I felt his shallow almost scared breaths on the crook of my neck,

"What kind of feeling?" I asked trying figure out what could be happening,

"I...... I don't know its like..... Something flying around and twisting my stomach into knots" he said making my breath get caught in my throat, that's exactly what I've been feeling around him or when I think of him however that doesn't help seeing as I also didn't know what it is,

"hmm..... Okay I guess we'll definitely have to ask your brothers as soon as we can okay?" I said as he nodded before pulling from the hug rather suddenly and was staring at me with wide eyes and a blush,

"wait a second...... Elizabeth? What is it you were doing when I woke up?" he asked curiously,

I blushed furiously while thinking of the fact of what he was asking "oh.... I'm.... S-sorry" I said looking down

"....... A-anyway umm....... So let's get you ready to go visit your family yea?" he said as I nodded gently and went to the closet to pick out something to wear, I then spotted one of the things I got for him and grabbing it before deciding to ask him to wear it,

"hey Meliodas? Would you like to wear this? I got it for you awhile ago and I think you'd look nice it" I said turning to him with a smile he walked over and took it with a smile,

"thank you" he said giving a lopsided grin,

"no problem" I said as I went to the bathroom to change, I came out and let Meliodas go in and change,

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