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meliodas pov

"and then he just-just blamed me!" Jericho cried to Elizabeth, venting as she had been for the past hour and half.

"he blamed you? he's the one who cheated though...." Elizabeth murmered in curiosity, rubbing Jericho's shoulder.

"that's what I said! he just started going on about how I haven't been giving him enough attention and how I work too much..." she whimpered quietly, wiping tears from her face.

"but you take almost every Friday and Monday off to spend four day weekends with him" I added curiously, raising a brow at her.

"I know..... I don't know what else I could have done for him...." she whispered in disbelief, sniffling as guila rubbed her back.

"it's okay, you're gonna be okay" Elizabeth assured her sweetly, offering her a sincere smile.

"this is the third time this has happened to me though..... why are there no loyal men in this world?" Jericho cried, staring at her lap.

"there are, there really are, you're just not looking in the right places yet" Elizabeth murmered to her softly, glancing at me for a millisecond.

she just sat silently, her face still covered in tears as she sniffled. after a moment or so though Elizabeth glanced at her phone and stood, smiling warmly at Jericho.

"i'll be right back, I have to check the food, timer is almost up" Elizabeth spoke before turning to go to the kitchen.

"anything I can help with?" I asked as she walked in the kitchen, causing her to stop for a moment to look at me.

"no, I got it thank you" she assured me softly, turning back and going in the kitchen.

after a moment of uncomfortable silence i glanced over to Jericho and guila, seeing guila still comforting Jericho while Jericho sniffled. as if sensing my gaze, guila looked over to me with a curious look.

"so, meliodas how was Christmas and new years for you two? I heard you both spent it at your house" guila chimed curiously, attempting to change the subject, taking a sip out of her coffee cup.

"it was fun. how did your Christmas go?" I asked in response, listening to the kitchen in the background as I heard Elizabeth move stuff around.

"oh it was awesome! I went snowboarding on a mountain with some friends and even got to see a moose!" she beamed excitedly, pulling out her phone to show me pictures.

"woah, i'll have to talk Elizabeth into letting me take her up there next year" I chimed easily, glancing at Jericho when I saw her look at me.

another moment of uncomfortable silence before it looked like Jericho calmed down a bit, her face still looking damp but no more tears. when she looked at me though, then at the kitchen as if thinking of Elizabeth, then back to me with something in her eyes it made me wonder just what was going through her head.

"so, meliodas? might I ask you something?" Jericho asked curiously.

"sure?" I responded cautiously, raising a brow at her strange behavior.

"are you seeing anyone at the moment?" she asked bluntly, her eyes reminding me of when zeldris would try to set me up with girls.

"I-" "Jericho! you can't ask him that!" guila snapped at her, interrupting my response even though I didn't really have one.

"what? it was just a question" Jericho argued, glancing at me again.

"you know Elizabeth- uh- just don't!" guila avoided admitted Elizabeth's thing for me, not realizing I already knew.

"you know Elizabeth what?" I feigned ignorance, deciding to toy with them a bit.

"n-nothing! just that Elizabeth doesn't uh- just that Elizabeth doesn't want us arguing!" guila deflected, her jaw clenching and unclenching as she side eyed Jericho.

"oh I see.... well yeah, I am seeing someone, why?" I toyed with them, leaning on my hand on the arm of the couch.

"you-you are?" Jericho asked in astonishment, her eyes wide as she stared at me almost as if in worry for something.

"mhm, and she's the best thing to have ever happened to me" I spoke honestly, feeling my cheeks heat up at the flourish of memories of Elizabeth flowing steadily through my mind.

out of the corner of my eye I saw Elizabeth watching from the kitchen doorway with wide eyes, her entire face a slight pink. it made me smile a bit dazedly to think about Elizabeth, meanwhile Elizabeth just continued to watch as if seeing what I would say.

"so who is it?" guila asked as if in worry, making me smile realizing she was worried for Elizabeth's sake.

a part of me wondered if it was okay for me to let them in on the information, deciding against it to save such a conversation for later on.

"ah, don't worry about it" I assured softly, grinning when Elizabeth walked in with the tray now.


it was a little distracting when we were trying to watch movies with Elizabeth playing with my hand as she sat next me with her laid on my shoulder, the feeling of her fiddling with my fingers as hers rubbed my palm all too pleasingly.

meanwhile I just enjoyed the way it felt having her give me attention, the sound of Jericho and guila laughing at the movie in the background as I looked down slightly to see Elizabeth smiling at the movie. after a moment I adjusted just slightly to wrap my arm around her lower back, resting my cheek against her head with a smile.

the feeling of her fingers interlacing with mine made my hearts skip beats, my cheeks hurting from my smile as I closed my eyes. it only took a moment of this embrace for me to begin feeling tired, pulling her closer before nuzzling her face slightly and lifting her to lay down with me on the couch.

I completely ignored her quiet gasp of surprise, laying with her in front of me on the couch so she could watch tv while I snuggled up to her back with my arms around her protectively. the sound of Elizabeth's resounding sigh of contentment caused my mind to settle into a calm, steadily making me drift off to sleep.


the sound of hushed giggles is what woke me, the feeling of Elizabeth's warmth seeping into me almost putting me back to sleep. I was barely able to stay awake, not having the energy to even open my eyes.

"they're so cute together" I heard Jericho whisper, guila humming in agreement a moment after.

"yes but.... didn't meliodas say he was seeing someone? and it can't be Elizabeth, she would have told us.... so that means he's either being super toxic to his girlfriend or Elizabeth and him have gotten so close that this is just their thing....." guila murmered quietly, Jericho 'huh'-ing after.

"no, i'm not being toxic with some random girl~ not when I have my sweet Elizabeth~" I drawled half-asleep without thinking, too tired to comprehend their gasps of surprise.

another couple of minutes passed where it was silent, my brain still muddled by sleep as I snuggled her. she sighed as she rolled in my arms, turning to face me in her sleep and wrapping her arms around my chest.

"did he just talk in his sleep? I got an idea, we can ask him questions while he sleeps and he won't be lucid enough to have a filter" Jericho spoke excitedly, the sound of guila humming in affirmation.

"okay, but nothing too personal" guila offered quietly, giving a sigh.

"okay okay, umm, meliodas? wh- umm, what does Elizabeth mean to you?" Jericho asked hesitantly, the vague sound of guila gasping at her nearly rousing me from my strange state of slumber.

"Jericho I said not too personal" guila scolded quietly.

"I know but I have to know, you remember how broken she looked when she first mentioned him" Jericho murmered quietly, the new information sending a jolt through my bones as I was suddenly wide awake and sitting up without waking Elizabeth.

"what was that?" I asked them with narrowed eyes, feeling my stomach twist with discomfort and worry.

"shit, we didn't mean to wake you" guila apologized as she tried to avoid my question, causing my demon marks to sprawl across my skin, their eyes widening at the sight of me like this.

"answer my question, you just said something about Elizabet looking broken when she first mentioned me..... mind giving some details on that?" I asked in a darkened tone, unable to hide behind a smile.

"meliodas..... let's not wake her" guila mumbled as she gestured to follow her, walking to the kitchen with Jericho.

getting out of Elizabeth's embrace was less then pleasing because I loved how it felt, scowling on my way into the kitchen. the sight of guila and Jericho whispering frantically when I came in made me raise a brow, walking in and leaning against the counter as I stared at them.

"so? elaborate?" I asked darkly, narrowing my eyes at them.

"s-so..... umm, this was- before you came here.... Jericho had told her she should get on the menu, ya know, to date and such... we had been suggesting it a couple times, but this time she gave context on why she didn't want to... " guila started hesitantly, glancing at Jericho.

"she said she still had feeling for some friend of hers, who we discovered, was you, she seemed so lost when she admitted it.... " Jericho finished, looking down as she admitted what they thought I didn't already know.

after a moment of silence I couldn't hide my smirk anymore as I began letting out wheezing laughs, trying to stay as quiet as I could to avoid waking Elizabeth in the other room. the looks of confusion on their faces certainly didn't help me stop laughing, my continued laughs causing more confused looks from them.

"what is so funny?" guila snapped at me, her eyes narrowing at me.

"I thought this was about something serious, but it was just about something I already knew" I chuckled as I held my chest, bending over slightly to hold the counter to steady myself.


the sight of Elizabeth slowly rousing from her sleep made me smile as I nursed my coffee, letting the cup warm my hands as she rolled slightly before feeling around the couch for a moment. she took a deep breath before opening her eyes towards the ceiling, blinking for a moment before she turned and saw me.

"hey, good evening beautiful" I chimed easily to her tired face, her cheeks turning pink as she registered what I said.

"b-beautiful? n-no.... but thank you meliodas..... is It really so late?" she murmered quietly, giving a cute yawn afterwards before sitting up and sliding her feet off the couch onto the floor.

"oh Elizabeth~ now while you may not believe you're beautiful but to me you the physical embodiment of beauty" I responded with a smirk, popping my brows at her as she blushed the perfect shade of pink.

she didn't respond, seeming too flustered as she glanced at the clock on the wall. her brows furrowed when the clock showed her that it was 12:30am, biting her lip as she glanced back at me.

"sorry, I guess I slept through getting to hang out with everyone....." she murmered quietly, her eyes downcast.

"hey, don't be sorry. you needed the sleep, i needed the chance to grab something without you seeing what it was, and guila and Jericho got the chance to discuss something with me" i offered calmly, smiling warmly at her.

"oh.... okay, as long as i didn't inconvenience anyone" she sighed softly, standing with a stretch.

"of course you didn't" i beamed at her, following her when she began walking to the kitchen.

she seemed to let out a quiet gasp when she turned on the light in the kitchen, her cheeks darkening again as she clasped her hands in front of herself. after a moment of me standing there confused i realized what she was surprised about, she was surprised that the kitchen was clean, i cleaned it.

"who cleaned?" she asked with a small smile, her eyes looking sincere as she glanced around.

"me" i answered her easily, feeling prideful when her smile widened as she looked at me.

"thank you, mel" she sighed softly, walking over to me and wrapping her arms over my shoulders around my neck as she pressed her forehead to mine.

i felt my eyes flutter shut from the feeling of warmth that spread through me at the contact, giving a quiet sigh of happiness when i felt her step closer, our bodies flush to each other. after a moment i slid my arms from her back to her hips, taking a step back before slipping from her and taking her hands to lead her to bed.

once in her room i closed the door behind us left her for a moment to grab something from the closet, walking back to her side with a white bag with the gift i bought for her. i handed it her with a smile, watching in amusement as she reached in the bag with rounded eyes of curiosity.

when she pulled the soft white fabric from the bag her lips formed an 'oh' as she hummed, unfolding the dress with a smile as she looked back up at me with nothing but warmth in her eyes.

"oh meliodas, you're just the sweetest. you didn't have to get me anything" she whispered sincerely, biting her lip in a gut heating way.

"yeah, i know but, the look on your face when you find out what I've gotten for you each time is addictive, almost as addicting as you" i teased honestly, popping my brows at her.

she just giggled at me, her cheeks darkening as she hugged the dress to her chest.

"meli, what can i do to repay such kind actions? really, anything you want" she asked in a way that stirred me deeply, her smile wide as she looked at me innocently, not realizing the anything but innocent thoughts going through my head.

"Ellie, darling flame in my eternal darkness~ you should never give a demon like me the option of anything~ just accept my gift, and let me see you in it~ after all, i don't want to make you uncomfortable with my.... cravings, for you" i responded darkly, feeling my chest heave with excitement. the sight of her entire face turning crimson pleased me deeply, licking my lips as i saw her bite hers.

"m-meliodas... " she murmered quietly in response, staring at her feet with wide eyes.

"you should go try that on~" i spoke darkly, trying to give her some distance in between me and her.

she just nodded, walking off rather quickly to the bathroom to change. meanwhile I closed my eyes with a growl and just stared at the ceiling in irritation, wondering what came over me to think that was an appropriate way to talk to her.

wow, I am either really just getting desperate for her to see how much I care, or I am going insane for her..... I guess either way it's okay, because I really wouldn't mind her finding out how much she means to me and I also wouldn't mind a one-way ticket to insanity if it meant it was for her. I thought as my cheeks warmed from the realization that she is my everything, without her there is nothing for me.



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