what is this feeling?

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meliodas pov

It felt like I was suffocating, the heat of the moment coursing through me so fast i was shaking as i held her tightly, moaning against her lips. we had migrated to laying on my bed snug against each other, our bodies flushed as we kissed.

a shiver made its way through me when her fingers scratched my scalp, drawing a groan from my lips as they suddenly became dry, causing me to lick my lips and lick hers because of our kiss. i gasped when her lips parted, my lips sliding in between her's as i experimented with the kiss.

our breaths mingled as we both panted, trying to catch our breath without parting. it felt electric when she wrapped her legs around me, crossing her legs at the ankles behind my lower back. that scent from her body made mine ache, my body throbbing.

"please~" she moaned against my lips, her hips bucking against mine momentarily and drawing a gasp from me.

i squeezed my eyes shut when she did it again, groaning breathlessly as i went with her and began a gentle humping motion in between her thighs. it was hard to breathe past her lips as i picked up the pace, holding her hip with one hand and her lower back with my other as i let out a moan at every drag of my clothed erection over her.

a huff left me when she nipped my lip, tilting my head to return the favor. her giggles stole my breath, making me smile against her lips. i forced myself to sit up slightly, my cheeks feeling as if they were on fire from the way she looked beneath me, flushed, eyes half-lidded and unfocused, hair spread out like a halo around her head, her arms outstretched towards me as she attempted to hang on to me, her breasts drawing my eyes slightly as they swayed up and down from my continued thrusts.

my eyes snapped back up to her's when she let out a whine, her neediness causing me a groan as my erection gave a pang of pain as it became harder.

"mel~ please~" she moaned quietly, her back arching as she slipped her hands away from me to reach above her head and hold onto the pillows.

it felt like the air was plucked from my lungs, being quick to throw my best attempt at pleasing her as i quickened my pace. i wanted more then anything to make her happy, to make my mark in her mind and try my hardest to pleasure her.

my moans shifted to gargled grunts as i struggled to keep my eyes open against the pleasure, my hearts thundering in my ears as my toes curled and my ears rang. i couldn't focus, my mind blinded by the pleasure her body brought me.

suddenly she was silent as she arched, her eyes squeezing shut as tears leaked from them causing me to studder in my pace as i was instantly worried that i might of hurt her.

"please! don't stop~" she gasped in a moan, her tone showing desperation.

a huff left me as i obeyed her request and picked the pace back up, tightening my grip on her. her body was still shaking, her eyes still glazed as she came. it was then she sat up and clung to me, her arms snug around my neck as i rutted up against her body.

an embarrassing squeak left me when her lips latched onto mine, having to close my eyes against all the sensations overwhelming me. my grunts turned into whines as i approached my end, feeling desperate as i began pawing at her breathlessly, my hands grabbing at as much as i could.

my hands stilled when they landed on her ass, my cheeks hurting with how they flooded with heat. but instead of moving my hands to grab something else, i kept them there and began roughly squeezing her ass as i continued grinding up against her, moaning into her mouth as her gasps stole my breath.

"Ellie please~ you feel so good~ i can feel your cum soaking through our clothes~ so wet~ so hot~" i moaned against her, feeling embarrassed at my inability to keep these thoughts to myself.

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