Prologue - Part 2

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Izzy's gym above ^

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The sound of someone calling my name caused me to stir in my sleep before I forced my eyes open in the dark room. "Yeah?"

I sat up, looking over at the door that was cracked open revealing my little sister. Well, she was 16 but she was little to me.

"C-can I sleep with you...please?"

"Are you crying?" All I got in response was a sniffle as she closed the door behind herself before crawling into my bed. Shuffling across next to her, I pulled her into my arms and she began to sob into my chest.

"Nora, baby what's wrong?"

"H-he cheated on me Izzy. Liam cheated on me with some girl in the class below us." Keeping her close in my arms, I ran my hand through her hair as she cried. "He promised me it wasn't true but she just dm'd me on Instagram to tell me. You remember I told you last week how he wanted to have sex?"

She whispered those words through her tears and I nodded my head recalling the day she came to me for advice.

Her 17 year old boyfriend wanted to have sex with her but since she was only 16, she wasn't sure she wanted to have her first time yet.

I told her to be honest with him and explain she wanted to wait, but apparently he wasn't up for waiting because a week a later this happened.

"After we talked, I told him I didn't want to have sex: I said I wanted to at least wait until this summer, but he wasn't happy. Then he cheated on me. After a whole year of being together he cheated. He couldn't even wait four months."

I always knew this Liam kid was bad news. I tried to tell her. I did my best to be her 'responsible' older sister to prevent this from happening. But she was young and in love. She didn't want to hear it.

Now, all I can do is be here for her. Even though I was right in the end, I'm still her sister. What kind of sister would pull the 'I told you so' card?

I mean, maybe if I was 12 years old and she was 5 years old. But now that I'm 23 years old, I couldn't exactly do that.

But what are you supposed to say to someone who's just been cheated on? Nothing ever helps. I should know, I've been in that position more times than I'd care to admit.

So instead of trying to convince her everything would be okay and that this wasn't the end of the world, I just held her in my arms as she cried through her first heartbreak.

"You remember that story, The Princess and the Frog?" I brought up that particular story once her sobs had calmed down and she lifted her head away from my chest to look at me. "Yeah?"

"Well, the princess had to kiss all those frogs until she found her prince. Liam was just a frog."

Despite the fact her cheeks were still damp with tears, a smile tugged at her lips. "That wasn't the story, Izzy."

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