Chapter 48 - She's Coming With Us

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This chapter sets everything up for the finale!! I can't believe it's so close 🫣

Enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment 🩷

Enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment 🩷

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Six Weeks Later

Here is my one piece of advice for anyone with bruised ribs; even if your husband is sexy as hell, stop having sex with him every night.

Six weeks had passed since that night in the bathroom and it was like a whole new spark had been lit between us. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. When I wasn't at work back at the gym or with Maisie, or when Roman wasn't working or trying to find Azura, we were most likely in the bedroom.

But that meant my ribs were still sore the first thing in the morning. But, by now, they didn't bother me during the day.

The sunlight in the room woke me from my sleep and I became increasingly aware of my lingering aches from last night. Not just that, I also became aware of Churro moving on the bed and Roman talking.

"She's not even that pretty. Her hair is so dull."



My hair?

He doesn't think I'm pretty?

"She needs to fix those eyebrows. She's over-plucked them."

Is he talking about my eyebrows?

What the hell? I haven't over plucked them.

I thought my ears were playing tricks on me when he quietened, but then he spoke again.

"Her nails are awful."

But I just got them done the other day.

They're ballerina pink.

"She needs to put more clothes on."

He was the one who told me not to bother with anything other than my panties last night. He said he liked to see 'what belongs to him'.

"There's just something completely wrong with her."

"There's something completely wrong with you too, you judgemental son of a bitch."

I suddenly turned over in the bed with a glare, only to find him with his AirPods in looking at something on his phone.

Roman's head snapped in my direction and he suddenly burst out laughing causing me to frown.

"I'm on FaceTime to Renata. She's showing me Felicity Green's speech at UCLA."

"Oh...FaceTime." A blush rose up on my cheeks as I settled back down in bed, pulling the bedsheets up to my bare chest.

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