Chapter 53 - I'm So In Trouble

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Sorry the update is late! I had surgery yesterday 🥲🫣

I hope you enjoy! ❤️

Roman got out of the Porsche and then came around to my side

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Roman got out of the Porsche and then came around to my side. He took Churro from my arms and put him down on the floor and then he helped me out.

I didn't actually need help but it was cute how he was already so attentive even when I was only nine weeks pregnant.

"Thank you." I smiled, standing up on my tip toes to peck his lips.

"You're welcome, my sweetheart." He kissed my lips one more time and then we were forced to break apart by our impatient Churro.

"He's worse than our child will ever be." Roman glared at Churro who was looking up at the two of us as if we were caught doing something wrong.

Suddenly Churro was acting like the parent in this family.

"What are you looking at, you little sh-"


"Izzy, I'm so sick of him. You're my wife and he won't let me kiss you. Do you know how fu-"

"Roman." And this bitch says he can easily clean up his language.

"-how screwed up that is?" Roman was midway through his tantrum when I picked Churro up, holding him to my chest. "I'm Roman Ernesto freaking Alvarez. I don't answer to anyone and I especially don't take orders from yappy little- aw."

Roman's anger suddenly faded when Churro tilted his head to the side, looking at him with cute puppy dog eyes.

Churro knew exactly what he was doing with that look. He was too smart for Roman and he knew it.

Suddenly my husband's anger was completely forgotten.

Roman smiled, rubbing Churro's little head causing the fur baby to released a cute little sigh of contentment.

I bit back a laugh, shaking my head at their toxic relationship.

Roman liked to think he wore the pants in the relationship, but Churro had his Papa wrapped so tightly around his paw it was worrying.

I wonder how Roman will be when he has to interact with our child.

"Come on." I handed Churro over to Roman and the three of us made our way to the front door.

Roman unlocked the door and we headed inside, letting Churro down so he could run around the house.

He was definitely familiar with the Alvarez mansion by now. It was his favourite place with all his favourite people.

"Ah, shit." Elías groaned from somewhere further down the hallway when he saw Choo.

Roman and I turned to see Churro scurrying as fast as his little legs could carry him all the way down the long entry hall towards his favourite uncle.

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