Chapter 43 - You've Been Watching Me?

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This chapter has some drama llama 🦙👀

I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️

I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️

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Today was the day he was finally coming home.

And I was hungover as hell.

"Izzy, come on. Let's go out for breakfast."

"I can't. Anyway, it's the afternoon now." I barely spared Louisa a glance since I was too busy collecting the empty alcohol bottles scattered around the kitchen.

"Okay. Brunch then?"

"No, Louisa. Roman is coming home today and the house is a tip. I have to clean and then take some painkillers and a shower before I get late."

We had a little pity party here last night and we ended up drinking way more than I expected - or ever intended to drink. The pity was mostly for her, but I was being a good friend by drinking too.

I could feel her eyes on me as I put the bottles in our fancy recycling bin. Then I got to rinsing some dirty leftover dishes before I put them in the dishwasher.

"Come on, Iz. Look, the house isn't even that bad. You can get it all tidy quickly and we can go out and get some food."

All she ever wants is food.

We're very similar in that way. Actually we had a lot in common, which is why we hit it off so well in the last month. We both love to eat, drink, play with Churro, workout, and watch movie marathons until we fall asleep.

Having lived alone for a long time and then being alone in mine and Roman's house, it was the best thing having a friend to do everything with.

Apart from Roman, Maisie would always be my bestfriend. But she was in San Francisco and would be for another month yet.

It's time I started making friends on my own and Louisa was the first one I actually clicked with.

"I understand you don't want to go home to Fabio right now, but I just can't. My husband has been gone for two months. I'm not letting him come home to a messy house."

She didn't have the best relationship with her boyfriend, the one I had the pleasure of meeting at the gym.

In my opinion it was definitely a toxic relationship, but she refused to listen to reason. So after a month of spending pretty much everyday with her, now I just played the role of a good friend by being there for her when she needed me.

But right now I couldn't. I just needed space with Roman after drifting apart over the last two months. Our relationship was already suffering, the last thing we needed was a dirty house too.

"Fine." The blonde huffed, grabbing her purse off the kitchen table. "I'll go home to wallow in my misery and I'll get out of your way."

I wasn't stupid. I knew exactly what she was doing when she walked dejectedly towards the door in a dramatic fashion.

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