Chapter 26 - You Should Have Told Us

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Of everything that's happened, the one thing I appreciated was that he didn't feel like he had to tread on broken glass around me

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Of everything that's happened, the one thing I appreciated was that he didn't feel like he had to tread on broken glass around me.

We both knew I was screwed up after the miscarriage. I believed I was screwed up beyond repair but I guess Roman didn't. But either way, he still treated me the same way as before, just applying a little more care since I was constantly crying. He still laughed and made jokes about how we'd be arguing while trying to raise our child.

But he also told me straight what he was thinking and how he wanted to take me to my parents house. He could have just left me, or he could have stayed and continued as we were at my house. But even after I punched him in the jaw, he still took me there himself.

"You okay?" He broke the silence around us as we approached the gate to my old childhood home. I shrugged my shoulders. "I used to think I was strong and independent leaving this house and living on my own but I'm not. I'm back here again."

Shaking his head, he reached over to take my hand. We stopped and he input the code I told him to open the gate.

"The fact you're confronting this instead of hiding away makes you strong, Isadora. And coming back here doesn't change anything. In fact, it proves you're grown up enough to admit when you need help. Plus, you can always leave again when you feel better."

The funny thing about Roman was that his words were nothing revolutionary. His advice was nothing new - nothing that I hadn't, or other people, hadn't heard before.

The best example was when he told me he would always be there for me and I could call him whenever I needed him. That was probably the most used line to someone suffering from mental health issues.

Yet, when he said it, it meant the world to me. I could see in his eyes that he meant every single word he said to me. That was something extremely rare to find in someone. It wasn't lip service to him, he really would be there for me if I ever needed him.

As we pulled up to the house, I let out a shaky breath turning to look at him. "You're staying while I tell them, right?"

"If that's what you want, Isadora."

That was another thing. Over the last five days he'd been the most respectful person I'd ever come across, ever.

He hadn't once tried to bring up anything that happened between us and always tried to give me space. Considering how close and comfortable we were with each other when we used to sleep with each other in my bed, this time he stayed away from me all night.

I think I appreciated his effort to let me process one thing at a time the most. He didn't take advantage of spending five days alone with me. He just gave me space while also being there for me.

Grabbing his phone and his keys, he got out of the car coming around to my side to open the door for me. Noticing my reluctance to get out of the safe confines of his Porsche, he gave me an encouraging smile, holding his hand out for me.

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