Chapter 10 - Put The Toothbrush Down

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Only Alex knew about it, he was the one who stopped me before I could do it

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Only Alex knew about it, he was the one who stopped me before I could do it.

I guess that's why we're friends. He was there for me after it happened and he stayed at my house until I was feeling better. I even gave him a key so he could come and check on me whenever he wanted to.

So even though we're not always joined at the hip, sharing every single secret with one another - he was still my friend and I pretty much owed him my life.

"He passed away suddenly. It was only a little while after my college graduation. You already kind of know what my parents are like, but you don't know the worst of it. When he died I lost the only person who was taking care of me. I couldn't see a way out of it, apart from that one way."

The entire time I spoke Roman remained quiet next to me, his expression not really giving much away.

It was a lot to tell someone I barely knew. But just like last Friday when he came to my house, I felt this thing inside me that made me want to tell him everything. I just hoped he didn't think I was oversharing.

"Alex came into the gym just before I could do it. He spent over an hour talking me out of it. Even though he didn't know my entire life story, he still tried. After that he took me home and stayed with me for the next couple of days until he was sure I was okay. Then he checked on me everyday after that. That's why we became friends and ever since then he's trained at my gym a few times a week and we hang out together too."

Without a word he reached out to wipe away the tears that had fallen down my cheeks, an action that only opened the flood gates even more.

"I miss him so much, Roman. Everyday I wake up and I just wish he was here. I wish he could be with me to help me run the gym, to help me take care of Cristian and Nora. He would know what to do about their problems and he would probably hate the way I've handled everything since all I do is argue with my parents now. But he would support me anyway, he'd just help me in any way that he could. He was the only one who cared about me, he made me feel safe."

My voice broke and Roman pulled me in closer to him, holding me while I cried. It had been a very long time since I cried to someone, but it felt good to have someone actually there with me.

I didn't really have anyone else to be there like that for me. I was naturally the type of person who would try to hide their emotions, so I would hardly ever cry to Nora and Cristian, or Alex or Maisie when she was in LA.

But with Roman it felt like it was okay. It was okay to show him how I truly felt without having to keep up a cool girl, easy going facade.

I kept my head resting against his chest for a few minutes with only my sobs and then sniffles being heard in the room. I could tell he didn't know what to say, it wasn't something easy to react to, but he tried anyway and that was the sweetest thing he could do.

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