Chapter 13 - I Would Never Drop You

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GUYS! I'm so so so x10000 sorry for how long it's taken to get this update up.

If anyone ever tells you that being an adult is fun they're lying.

I miss the days I could just write until I burnt out. Now I'm exhausted by the time I get home from work everyday 🥺 And I still have to write my bonus chapters for Amore Mio 😭

Anyway, this chapter is the cutest ever so hopefully it will make up for all the time it took.

Enjoy drunk Izzy! 🥹

Thank you for reading and for your patience ❤️

A week had passed by since the night I told Roman about my suicide attempt

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A week had passed by since the night I told Roman about my suicide attempt. That was the night he threw my toothbrush in the toilet. Then the next day we went for lunch with Alex.

Every night since then Roman came to stay with me, although most times he came just before bed time.

So at least I guess I didn't scare him off with my hairdryer and my marmalade toast.

Usually he would come in, always bringing me some kind of present, then we would just get ready for bed. We'd usually lie in bed talking until we fell asleep.

We talked about everything - he told me more about his relationships with his parents and his siblings after he was adopted when he was 3 years old. He told me stories from his past involving him and his brothers or Alex. I told him more about my home life and also that my dad could be violent too, which was something Roman didn't take very well.

He went silent for a while and then the only thing he said was "No real man puts his hands on a woman, let alone his daughter." I'm paraphrasing, by the way; his sentence simply had too many curse words and profanities to count.

We also talked about anything that took us out of our own realities. After we both spent long days working, we used the time to talk about anything that would help us forget life for even just half an hour.

There were still some topics we avoided though, mostly to do with both our past relationships and anything related to sex.

What I mean by that is we didn't talk about who were seeing (not that I was seeing anyone but he might have been), but Roman took every chance he could to make sexual comments towards me.

But just like Alex, I knew he was just teasing me after he told me he didn't want to be more than friends with me. But I guess that hope still lingered in the back of my mind sometimes, even if I tried to ignore it.

It was kind of scary how quickly we became comfortable with each other. We went from meeting at the club, the school, and the gym to sleeping together every night.

But I loved every second of it. I don't know what I did to deserve him coming into my life so suddenly and changing up my entire routine, but I would never have it any other way.

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