Chapter 46 - Are You Home?

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All is revealed in this chapter!
It's a very long one and it's a rollercoaster of emotions for sure, so enjoy! ❤️

The drive was dead silent, apart from Elías in the backseat who was trying to get through to Isadora's Head of Security

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The drive was dead silent, apart from Elías in the backseat who was trying to get through to Isadora's Head of Security.

Every time the phone went to voicemail the pit in my stomach got deeper. I felt sick with worry which only worsened when Izzy stopped responding to me on the phone.

The call was still running but all I could do was keep saying things hoping she could still hear me. The last I heard from her was her confirmation of where she was.

Ever since then she was silent.

I was in a freaking meeting when she called me. I was too damn busy I couldn't even answer her the first time so she had to try again.

My wife was hurt and I didn't answer her the first time she called.

The second we pulled up to the gym, I was in such a rush I got out of the car without even turning off the engine.

Without any regard for the whereabouts of her security team, or mine for that matter, I ran straight into the gym with only one aim.

I needed to make sure she was okay.

My eyes scanned the gym, my anxiety skyrocketing when I saw how badly destroyed it all was. There was glass everywhere from the broken mirrors. There was debris and broken equipment across the floor. They'd even gone as far to damage the walls and scratch the fresh paint. And that was just what I could see on the main gym floor.


I rushed further into the gym, the glass crunching under my shoes. A soft moan caught my attention and I found myself heading towards the boxing ring in the centre.

It was only when I was close enough that I finally saw her lying on the concrete floor.

I only stopped for a split second, but that half a second was enough for my entire world to come to a complete standstill.

My heart plummeted as I took in her bruised body.

Her face was bruised. There was blood trailing down her chin and her nose. Her left cheek was especially swollen, along with her left eye which was already turning black. There were cuts on her face; she had a pretty bad one above her eyebrow and her lip was busted. The blood was smeared over her skin making me feel sick at the sight.

There were dark blue bruises forming around her neck and throat - they were handprints.

Her hair was a tangled mess and tears dampened the skin of her cheeks. Her T-shirt and shorts allowed me to see the dark bruises already forming all over her exposed skin. She had scrapes, cuts, and grazes all over her limbs.

But nothing I felt amounted to the trauma she must have gone through.

She wasn't mugged.

She was still wearing her jewellery like her necklace, her bracelet and her wedding ring. Most of the jewellery was worth a lot, especially her wedding ring and the necklace I bought for her 24th birthday. Her phone also lay next to her on the floor but it was damaged.

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