Chapter 49 - Why Did You Do It?

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This is the big one 👀

It took me two whole years to figure out how to end this story. There's still a few chapters after this, but the main climax is here!

I hope you all enjoy it. It's an emotional one and TW, this lots of talk of death 🫣 You've been warned.

Thank you for reading and for all your support on this story! It was never meant to be this long but there was so much to explore with Roman and Izzy, I just couldn't help it 🥲

Enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️

Enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️

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"You're not coming. You're sick."

"I'm not sick, idiot. It's been two days. I'm fine now."

I was actually sick again this morning but he didn't need to know about that.

Roman and I stood across from each other in our room in the penthouse. As expected, we were glaring at each other, arguing as if we were enemies instead of lovers.

I was just finishing getting ready when he came storming into the room to argue with me. He must have heard from his brothers or Alex that I was coming with them to their meeting with Azura and Evander.

"I don't give a shit. You're staying here, Isadora. I already didn't want you here in London; there's no damn way you're coming to this meeting, and especially dressed like that."

Roman was dressed in his usual head-to-toe designer outfit and his body was adorned in sparkling accessories.

I was wearing an all red, silk and lace outfit that I bought yesterday from Harrods. Our first day in London was spent in the penthouse of the hotel after we landed. The only interesting thing I did that day was my McDonald's breakfast date with Alex.

Yesterday I went shopping on my own but I was followed by the world's largest security team. The guys were busy in meetings all day.

Today was the day of their meeting with Evander and Azura. Roman was meeting them in a club to discuss whatever business he had with them.

I still didn't understand what planet he was living on and what he could ever want to talk with them about. That's one reason why I wanted to go - to make sure he didn't do anything that would get himself killed.

But I also wanted to go for myself. To look them in the eye after the attack they orchestrated against me. Plus, I was also being pressured to come by Alex, Lucero and Elías.

They pressured me every waking moment until I finally agreed.

"That bitch pretended to be my friend and they had me attacked. Even though you don't care, I do."

"It's not your place to handle it. I'll deal with it."

Like he even cared. He could barely look me in the eye since we landed in London. This is the first time we've spoken since I threw up on the plane.

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