Chapter 42 - You're Becoming Domesticated

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Guys, the timeline is explained in this chapter but I'll just explain it one more time here:

They got married on 28th December and then Roman was announced as the next leader on 31st December.

They went on their honeymoon over the first week of January.

Roman had his official swearing in ceremony in February and he left on 20th February for his tour. The tour was meant to be 6 weeks but was then extended to 8 weeks.

Now it's March 27th 🥰

Enjoy! This chapter a little short but it's setting up the plot for the end of the book 👀🤭

Also, please share in my love for Churro. He's a fictional character that has stolen my heart 🥲

 He's a fictional character that has stolen my heart 🥲

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Three Months Later

Churro trotted happily into the master bedroom, heading straight over to the bed.

He'd been off on an adventure in the house since his dinner time, but he knew it was time for bed now. He always returned to my bedroom at bed time.

Knowing he wanted to be picked up, I shuffled across the bed to help him on. I then got back into my previous position, ready to go to sleep soon.

"You miss Papa too?" With a sniffle I stroked through Churro's fur as he curled up next to me on the bed.

By now Churro was used to my crying during the evenings, and the nights...and the mornings.

Basically, whenever I was in the house alone, I was crying and Churro was used to it.

For the first few days that Roman was gone on his tour, Churro seemed concerned by my emotions. Dogs really do understand when their human is sad. But I think I've confused him now because I've been crying nonstop for the last four weeks. Now he's just used to it.

Churro let out a little bark when I said the word 'Papa', which definitely confirmed he missed Roman too.

"He'll be back in four weeks, Churro. We can handle four more weeks, right?" Churro didn't look convinced, but he barked nonetheless, poking his little tongue out.

We only had to wait four weeks.

Just four.

One of the main rituals after a new leader takes over Los Ángeles del Armagedón is the world tour he takes to meet all the criminal leaders of the world.

We returned from our honeymoon on January 8th and Roman's swearing in ceremony was in early February. Then he left on February 24th.

Of course, he also took the Inner Circle with him. They hate being call that, by the way, which only made me say it more.

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