Bonus Chapter - Do You Have Baby Fever?

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Guys!! You're not ready for the cuteness overload in this chapter! It's just 10,000 words of cuteness 🥰

You're going to meet little Sofía and she's just my favourite 🥺

Thank you for all your love on my story!! 🥺 I love reading all your comments when I read back through the chapters. It's the comments that make writing so worth it when other people read it so thank you! 😊

 It's the comments that make writing so worth it when other people read it so thank you! 😊

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3 Years Later



"Come on, baby. Just one."

"No, Mama."

Another sniffle.

"Just a tiny little one?" I made the tiny gesture with my finger and thumb, speaking in a high pitched tone.


"Not even the smallest tiniest little one ever?"

"Um..." She hesitated, sniffling as she looked at the spoon of liquid medicine.

"O-thay. But justh the smallesth tiniesth little one ever." She repeated my phrase with her lisp and I smiled, nodding my head.

Her lisp was the cutest thing ever. She never gives up, even when she struggles to pronounce words. She still struggles with the letter 's' especially.

I lifted the spoon to her lips and she finally accepted the medicine.

Roman manages to convince her to take her medicine in mere seconds and I'd been kneeling on the floor for ten minutes.

My knees hurt.

"Feeling better, Sofía?" I rubbed her little leg, trying to comfort her while she sniffled, swallowing her medicine.

"No." She glared at me and I bit back a laugh.

She was exactly like her father.

She had all the same mannerisms, the same likes and dislikes, the same temper, and she was the spitting image of Roman Ernesto Alvarez. With her long dark brown hair, tanned skin, golden brown honeypot eyes, chubby cheeks and plump lips, she was a miniature version of her Papa.

"Sorry." A laugh slipped out and she continued to glare at me as I stood up. "Come on, let's go and make you some lunch."

I lifted my three year old up into my arms. I held her against my side and she rested her head in the crook of my neck.

She had a fever and a cold which she says she caught from some kid at her play group when he sneezed at her on purpose.

I wasn't happy they let sick kids come in for the day with that kind of behaviour, but Roman was more pissed that it was a boy who got his daughter sick.

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