Chapter Two

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  Six am, my alarm clock starts going off, more loud than I expected it to. "Shut the fuck up." I groan, hitting the off button, I really should turn down the volume on that thing.

  After a couple minutes of procrastinating, I finally get out of bed. I need to finish the mission successfully, or else Belos will never trust me with anything again. Today can not go that bad, can it?

  "Mornin, Rascal, how are you?" I mumble, half awake. Rascal chirps in response, flying over to me and landing on my shoulder. I scratch underneath his neck, "I do not understand you, but hopefully you are doing better than I am. Now, I need to get ready for school, damn, it is weird saying that."

  I grab my Hexside uniform off my desk and go to the bathroom connected to my room to get ready. It feels weird changing in front of Rascal so I just end up going to the bathroom instead.

  I quickly brush through my knotty hair, brush my teeth, and put on deodorant; I do not want to be smelling bad on the first day at a new school.

  "Alright then, I think that is it." I say to myself, packing up my backpack. I just put in a couple notebooks and a Great Witch Azura book inside it. Yes, I know, GWA books are girly, shut up.

  Someone knocks on my bedroom door, scaring the absolute shit out of me, "What? Come in!" I yell to whoever it is, "I just came to tell you that you need to leave if you do not want to be late to Hexside. Also, have a good day, sir." "Okay, thanks, you too."

  Belos decided that it would be okay if I walked all the way to Hexside by myself, since I go almost everywhere on my own.

  The walk there is nice and peaceful. There is not anyone surrounding me and bothering me. Do not get me wrong, it is nice working for the Emperor, it is just that it is very chaotic at some moments.  Anyway, back to what I was saying, being able to be by myself is relaxing.


  The ten minute walk passes by more quickly than I would have preferred it to and I am already at Hexside.

  Hexside looks a lot bigger on the outside than I expected it to. Hopefully it is not as big in the inside.

  I walk inside the building, immediately getting overwhelmed; there are a lot of people here. It is going to be fine, I just need to find my first class, things will get better from there.

  My first period is Math, fuck. Nothing says "Good Morning!" To you like doing math. I was being sarcastic if you did not catch that.


  It takes me ten minutes to find the stupid classroom, by then class had already started. The teacher better not be mad.

  I gently open the door, trying not to cause a disruption. Everyone quickly turns and starts at me,

  "Hello there! You must be the new student! Come on in, hon." The teacher seems very energetic, despite it being very early. "Sorry for being late," "No, no, don't worry about it! It's your first day. Anyway, do you want to introduce yourself?" Fuck no- "Sureee. Hey, my name is Hunter, nice to meet you?" That sucked, "Alright then, now that you have introduced yourself, you may go sit down next to Edric. Edric? Can you please raise your hand?" Some kid with green hair raises his hand. He is kind of cute if I am being honest.

  I quickly slide into the seat next to him, "Hey, welcome to hell, Hunter," I snort at what he says. "Is it really that bad here?" "Nah, it just sucks cause all the teachers hate me."

  I like this guy, he is actually pretty cool.


651 words

Please tell me if there is any spelling or grammar mistakes!

Have a great day/night =)

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