Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Hunter's POV:

  "Do you want to know why I'm even at Hexside in the first place?" "I thought you were here because Belos was getting sick of you?" "That was a lie, I didn't think you were gonna be happy with what the truth was." I'm really hoping they don't freak out. "So what is the actual reason?" Emira sits down. "Uh, basically, I'm on a mission type thing here. I'm just supposed to see if anything bad is happening." 

  They weren't that mad at me for lying, I'm actually kinda surprised. At least I only have one more big secret I need to tell. "School's gonna start in like, two minutes. Go to your classes." Jerbo is probably the most responsible out of all of us. "I really don't want to have to deal with Ms. Bitch." Emria complains. "That's your fault for signing up for her class." She groans. "Shush nobody asked for your opinon."

  Edric and I get to class as soon as the bell rings. "We're not late." We say in unison. Class starts and the teacher starts blabbing once again. "But why did Belos choose Hexside? Out of all the schools nearby? He could've choosen Glandus?" Edric asks. We're not really paying attention to the teacher anymore. I haven't really thought about that. "To be honest, I don't really know myself. I think it's because of the reputation it has here. Also the human, Luz goes here." "Oh, that makes some sense. Well I'm glad he made you go here. School would've been a lot more boring without you here." "Thanks, I think. This is a lot better than staying home doing nothing all day." The teacher looks in our direction. "Boys, please pay attention. This is very important material we are learning currently." "Yes, sorry about that." 

  "I hate that teacher so much. She's too bubbly happy." "Diddo, she needs to lay off the caffine." I say. The human runs up to us. "Hey Edric, hey blondie, have you seen Amity? I haven't seen her this morning." "She stayed home today, she said something about her not feeling good." "Aw, that sucks. Tell her I said hi!" She runs back to wherever she was doing before.

  "Mittens has been staying home a lot more often lately. I'm worried for her." I don't do well in these situations. "Have you tried asking her about it? Maybe you can find out what's going on." "I'll try that, thanks Hunter." "No problem." 

  School finally ends once again. I ended up falling asleep in math, the teacher wasn't too thrilled about that though, she almost gave me detention for it. I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately, I'm pretty concerned about it. I might try something to help me sleep, but then I'm scared about sleeping in too late and missing school. Steve the original can probably help with that, he's actually pretty smart. Surprising, right?


491 words

I finally bought fnaf security breach (I've been watching play throughs on youtube, mainly Markepliers. I spelt that wrong probably)

Have a great day/night :)

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