Chapter Fifty

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Hunter's POV:

  As soon as I walk into my first hour class people start looking at me weird. "What happened to your eye?" Some blonde kid says. "Hey! Shut up Blaire!" Someone elbows him in the stomach, probably one of his friends. I just ignore them both and sit down at my seat.

  "This class sucks cock." Edric whispers to me. "Just like you." I whisper back. "Oh shush up!" Shit, he just yelled that. "Mr. Blight! Would you like to tell the rest of the class what you and your little friend were talking about?" "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell. It won't happen again." "It better not. Now back to what I was saying before."

  "Sorry dude, didn't mean to get you in trouble." "Nah it's fine, it was my fault anyways." The rest of the class period went by without either Edric or I talking to each other.

  "Blondie! Can I talk to you real quick?" Emira pulls me aside after that horrible class period finally ends. "Hmm? Yeah, sure."

  "Sooo, what do you need?" "I have a question for you," "Okay, go ahead." "Are you doing to ask out Edric today? I'm tired of waiting for you to do it." How does this even involve her? "Calm down, I am probably going to do it either tomorrow or the day after. Don't worry about it." She looks at me weird. "How are you going to do it?" I swear to god. "I'm just going to pull him aside and be like 'Hey, do you want to go out this weekend or something?' It'll work fine." "Sure it will, now, go back to your little boyfriend." "Shush!"

  "What did Emira even need?" I hate lying to him, but it's best if he doesn't know for the moment. "She just wanted to see if I was doing any better since the whole Belos thing." I'm getting a lot better a lying. "Oh okay! I need to go ask one of my teachers something, come with me please!"

  After school ended I had to wait for Luz to stop flirting with Amity. "Heeyyy, Hunter! Soo, did you ask out Edric?" "No, not yet. Why does it concern you anyways?" "Oh uh, hey look! There's Eda, we better go!" She quickly changes the subject.

  "Hey Kiddos, how was your day at that vile place." I hate riding with Eda, she's so reckless and it scares me. "Edaaa, it's not that bad." "Yeah, yeah, sure it is. Anyways, Hunter how was your first day back after a while?" "It went better than I expected. Some kids did make fun of me though." "Oh, well don't pay attention to them. They just clown on you to make them feel better about themselves." "Yeah, I guess so."

  So, after a while of hesitation and over thinking everything, I finally decided to ask out Edric tomorrow. I hope it goes better than how my mind is making it seem.


495 words

Holy fuck knuckles! Fifty chapters!

Have a great day/night =)

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