Chapter Forty-Seven

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Hunter's POV:

  "Could he stay with us, Eda? Please?" Oh god no. I mean I'll have a place to stay for the time being, but it's with them, at the Owl Shack, where they fry owls. I actually don't know what they do there. "I don't know, where would he stay here? There aren't any spare rooms left; I gave you the last one." Luz stares off into space for a couple seconds, probably thinking. "Isn't there an extra room right next to mine? Couldn't he stay in there until he finds somewhere else?" Please say no, please say no. "I mean, I guess he could. Are you okay with this, Hunter?" I can't say no to this, I don't want to be rude. "Yeah, I'll be fine with this." "Yay! Thank you, Eda!" I'm defienitly not fine with all of this.

  "Oooooooh, looks like we got a new resident here! At the hoot house!" That horrid house demon snakes up to me and hugs me? I don't know if that even counts as a hug. "Why would you let him stay here, Eda? He did try to kill all of us, multiple times!" That deranged cat thing walks into the room and starts complaining. I don't think he likes me that much.

  "Now, are you still in contact with Belos? If you are, leave. I don't need anyone risking getting us in trouble with them, yet again." Eda gets serious quick. "No, I haven't talked to him since this happened," I point to my eye. "I don't even want to be in contact with him; I don't think it's safe at the moment." "Good, the coven scouts don't bother us anymore, not since I got my magic taken away. You'll be a lot safer here than at your little boyfriend's house." "Who are you talking about?" "Lover boy over there," Eda points to Edric. "He's not my boyfriend!" We say in unison.

  "Do you have anything with you? Like clothes or any other belongings with you? Or did you leave them back at the castle?" I haven't changed my clothes in like two days, and showered, and I feel gross. "No, I left everything back at my room, how did you know I live at the castle?" "Just had a feeling you did, y'know since you're the Golden Guard and all. Also Lillth talked about you, like a lot." 

  "Anyways, here is your room. There isn't much since we don't use it, like at all. I think the last time anybody used this room was, like, before I was even born." Luz leads me to the room I'm staying in. Not feeling too excited though. 

  There's not really anything in it, and there's a coat of dust layering everything. Looks like one of the old guest rooms at the castle. "I know it isn't that much, but it's something atleast. I'm gonna go get you a couple blankets and a pillow. Be right back." She runs out of the room. There's an old bed and a desk. It seems like it would have been an old room for someone else.

  "Well, I should start getting used to this place. I'm probably going to be staying in here for a while."


541 words

Guess who's back yet again!

If I messed up with anything in this chapter, please tell me. (This also counts for other chapters)

Have a great day/night :p

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