Chapter Fifteen

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Hunter's POV:

  "Heyy Steve, whats for dinner tonight?" Pretty sure that's Steve number three. "We weren't planning on making anything tonight because we're pretty busy. But if you're so desprate for food, I can make you two some chicken nuggets or something." I glance at Edric. "You fine with chicken nuggets?" "Yeah sure, whatever's fine with you." I look back over at Steve. "I'll call you when your fantastic food is done cooking." "Alright, we'll be upstairs." "Wow, not even a thank you?" That guy is so dramatic. "Thank you!" I holler.

  "Race ya!" Edric takes of running up the stairs. "Oh it's on!" He manages to get to my room before I do. "Open the door Edric before I beat your ass." I say in a cheery tone. "Nah, I don't feel like it." "Open the god damn door Edric." I hear him trip while getting to the door. "Thank you!" "Yeah don't mention it."

  "We have a while till our five course meal is done cooking." "By five course meal you mean a couple pieces of fake chicken?" "Please don't say it like that, you're making me lose my appitite." He laughs. 

  "So to pass the time, what side of the bed are you sleeping on?" I change the subject. "I call dibs on the left side!" "Guess I'm taking the right then. You know my offer still stands. I can still sleep on the floor, it is my room after all." "Nope I'm not making you sleep on your musty floor." "Wow thanks, I tried cleaning it a couple days ago."

   Our little conversation was interrupted by my phone going off. "Your gourmet meals done, come get it before I throw it away. You have two minutes." He hangs up. "I'm gonna go get the food, stay here. I'll be right back.

  "Yo Steve, thanks man." "You took way too long to get down here." It only took like half a minute. He hands me two plates. "Here, now don't keep your boyfriend waiting too long." "Shut up, he's not my boyfriend!" "Not yet he is." I am so close to slapping the shit out of him. "Where's the ketchup?" He throws a bottle at me. "Go, don't keep him waiting." 

  "Here." I toss the plate at Edric. "Thanks." We devour our food within a couple minutes. "Damn we were hungry." "Yeah, I haven't ate all day." "Bro you need to eat more. But anyways, should we go put our plates downstairs?" "Nah, I'll do it later." "Alright." 

  "Wanna play Kario Drive?" "Sure!" I toss him a controller. He picks a green lizard guy to play as. "I hate that lizard guy." I mumble. "I'm just gonna pretend you didn't say that." 


456 words

Do you guys like my names for things?

Have a great day/night <3



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