Chapter Five

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"Admiring how amazing I decorated my room, huh?" Edric rests his arm on my shoulder, using me as an armrest, "I know, right. You're at a lost for words." I push his arm off of me, glaring at him, "Mhm, sure, let's go with that."


  "What part of the Social Studies unit are you two struggling with?" I ask, sitting down on the floor and grabbing one of the notebooks out of my bag. Emira looks over my shoulder and into my bag, grabbing something out of it, "Wait, wait, wait, hold up. Is that Good Witch Azura?" Fuck, "Yes. What about it?" "You read those?" What is so bad about it? "Mhm," "Cool dude, Mittens loves that series; she talks about nonstop." "Okay... Good to know?"


  "Back to what I was saying, what part of Social Studies are you struggling with?" I ask Edric and Emira again. "Uhhh, literally everything. I have a thirty five in that class, a fucking thirty five! My mom is going to kill me!" Emira yells, throwing herself dramatically onto the ground. "How the hell do you end up with a thirty five?" "I don't fucking know man! Just help us!"

  Edric and Emira basically forced me to explain everything they are struggling with, it took way longer than I expected it to.

  "Thank you so much dude, my grade is saved because of you!" Edric puts his arm on my shoulder yet again. "Mhm, first, get off of me. Second, you are welcome." I push him off of me. Emira stands up from the ground, brushing off her shirt, "Seriously though, my mom was going to take away literally everything from me if my grade gets any lower."


  "There is still time until it starts getting dark, do you want to play Wario Cars, Hunter?" Edric asks, turning on the tv in the corner of the room. "Sure? What is that though?" Edric slowly turns his head towards me, staring into my soul, "Dude, are you serious?" "Uh, yeah?" Emira tosses me a controller, I barely catch it, "It's basically just a video game. We will explain as we play."


  "Fuck yeah! Let's go! I win, yet again!" Edric yells, throwing the controller onto the floor. He has beat Emira and I ten time, ten fucking times. Only in the span of a hour.

  "How the hell do you keep winning? Are you cheating or something?" Emira accuses, rage quiting. "Why, I'm ashamed that you would even start to think that, dear sister. I just happen to be better at this game than you. That is all."


  After Edric's and Emira's whole argument finally ended, they decided not to play that game anymore, just to be safe that no one hurts anyone else. That was probably one of their only good ideas.


  A hour passes by, a lot quicker than I would have preferred it to.


  "To, Hunter, your scroll is ringing. You better answer it before I do!" Edric states. I quickly grab my scroll, looking at who is calling me, it's Uncle. What does he need?

  "Ah, Hunter, yoy finally picked up, I was worried that you were not going to answer." "I am sorry, Uncle. What did you need?" I can feel Edric and Emira starring daggers into my back. "I was wondering where you were? And why you thought you could go somewhere without permission?" Fuck, I forgot to tell him, "Oh, I am sorry, it didn't cross my mind-" "You better be back at the castle within ten minutes or else." And with that, Uncle hangs up.

  "Alright, what the hell was that?" Edric yells as soon as I put down my scroll. "What do you mean? My Uncle just wanted to know where I was." I respond, grabbing my bag off the ground. "You looked like you were gonna cry, that's not normal-" "It doesn't concern you, so don't try to butt in. You got that?" "Yeah, sorry," "I need to get home. Good luck on your Social Studies Test."


  Hopefully Uncle isn't mad at me. I don't think I can handle him being even more disappointed in me than before.


694 words

Pretty long chapter

If there is anything wrong with this chapter, please tell me!

Have a great day/night =)

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