Chapter Twenty-Four

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Hunter's POV:

  Hell yeah! It is finally Saturday! I am so pumped for today. Quickly, I untangle myself out of my blankets and scramble out of bed. As a result of all that, I end up on the floor within seconds. 

  "Hey, Rascal? What do you think I should wear today? I should probably dress pretty casual." Rascal chirps and flies over to my closet, landing on my shoulder.

  Rascal flutters over to one of my many, many, hoodies and picks a light yellow one out. "Hmmm, you actually have pretty good taste, bird." I decide to just go with some random pair of black, ripped jeans.

  "Be right back, I am gonna go get dressed real quick. I quickly go to my bathroom and get dressed; I kinda feel uncomfortable getting undressed in front of Rascal.

  "Damn, I am looking so hot right now." I shoot some finger guns at myself in the mirror and walk out of the bathroom. 

  Yeah, I should probably leave soon, it's around ten now, and they all said to be there by eleven.

  Just in case, I should text them and make sure it is okay with them first before I leave.  

Blond Bitch: Is it good for me to come over now?

Eddy Boy: yeah hurry up weve been waitng

Vines: how far away do you live?

Blond Bitch: Not that far, about a ten minute walk.


  The ten minute walk passes by fairly quickly. With all of my thoughts bubbling around in my head, I get distracted easily.

  Damn, I still am not used to how big Blight Manor is. Like, the castle is big, but this is just a normal house and it is huge!

  Hesitantly, I knock on the door. Within five seconds, I hear someone scrambling down the steps and up to the door.

  Edric opens the door, "Hey, Blondie! Come on in! The rest of us are all upstairs! C'mon!" He grabs my arm and drags me up the stairs and into his room; I think this is becoming a habit now.

"Guess who just got here! Even though we haven't been waiting that long!" Edric announces and pulls down to the ground next to him. "Hi," I wave awkwardly. "Hey, c'mon, we're playing truth or dare! It is going to be a lot of fun!" Jerbo exclaims.

  "So, uh, what is truth or dare?" I hesitantly ask. The five of them look at me and stare. "Are you joking?" Emira questions. I am so confused right now. I shake my head no. "Why? Is it something I should know?" "Nevermind, I will explain as we go along!"

  "Ohhh, I think that I have heard of this game now that you explained it!" "Alrighty then, do you want to get going?" Emira asks. "Yeah, finally! I go first, since I'm oldest," Edric yells, he seems pretty happy now. "Hmm, Blondie, truth or dare?" "Oh, uh, truth, I guess." "Okay, hm, so you have a crush on anyone?" Edric has a smug grin on his face. "Stop acting like some middle school girl, Edric." Em slaps him on the top of his head. "Uh, I think I do? I don't really know at this point." "Aw, well it's your turn now!"

  "Uh, Emira? Truth or dare?" "Dare, of course!" She seems pretty confident in her answer. Shit,I can't think of a good dare. Viney leans over to me and whispers something, "Hey, Blondie, need some help?"

  That idea isn't too bad actually. "Uhm, go bang on Amity's door and run back?" Alright then, be right back in a couple seconds." Emira gets up and walks out of the room.

  Emira runs to Amity's room. I hear banging on a door and then yelling, a lot of yelling. Em runs back quickly and shuts the door. "I did it!" "Dude, what the heck? I was busy!" Amity yells from the other side.

  The game continues on fir another thirty minutes or so. "Anyone else getting bored?" Edric asks. "Yeah," Everyone else agrees. "Do you guys want to go into town and find something to do?" "Yeah, sure."


687 words

I made this longer than I expected to

Have a great day/night :)

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