Chapter Fifty-Two

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Hunter's POV:

  "Hey, Hunter? Do you think you would want to go out with me?" What? What does he mean? "Har har, very funny. You need to do that when your asking them out." Edric sits back down next to me. "No, Hunter, that's not what I meant." I stare at him, confused.

  "So, Hunter what ever the hell you last name is, do you want to go out with me?"

  Is he serious? Is he playing a sick joke on my or something? I don't think he is that mean. Wait, does that mean he asked me for relationship advice, to help ask me out? I'm so confused right now.

  "Wait, wait, wait. Are you serious? About all of this?" I question. "Uh, yeah, thought it was obvious by now that I had a giant ads crush on you?" Well not to some people!

  "So, Hunter, I'm going to ask yet again, do you want to go out with me?"

  "Yeah! That's what I was going to tell you today!" I start doing the stimming thing I do whenever I get really happy. "

  "Oh thank Titan, I was scared you were going to say no and reject me!" "Dude, I have literally have had a crush on you since like, the first day you talked to me." "Oh shit! I didn't realize that!"

  The two of sit on the stairs in silence, it's not awkward or anything, it's actually pretty comfortable. "Hey, do you wanna go back to class now or something?" Edric asks. "Sure, I guess."

  Before we leave Edric quickly gives me a small side hug. My entire face goes red immediately.

  As Edric and I are walking down the hallways, Edric quickly intertwines our hands. Yet again, my face goes completely red. He rubs the back of my hand with his thumb.

  Emira is immediately suspicious of the two of us once we go up to herr during break. Probably since I am grinning like dumbass.

  "So, lovebirds, did you guys finally make out or something? I've never seen Hunter smile this much before." I glare at her. "Shush, no we did not make out." I explain. "Mhm, sure. Anyways, Edric, what happened?" "We asked each other out."

  "Wait, are we technically dating now?" He asks. "I mean, I don't fully know. Do you want to?" "Hell yeah!" "Alright then, so we're dating now?" "Mhm! As long as your okay with it!"

  This past week has possibly been the best week of my life. I got a fucking boyfriend! And I moved out of that shit castle and moved into the Owl House! I am possibly actually happy for once in my life.

  To be honest, I don't think any of this would have happened if I never met Edric. So, I am extremely happy about meeting Edric.

  I have a good feeling that I am finally in control of my life instead of Belos being the one in control.


494 words

Woo! That's the end!

Sorry if the ending doesn't make any sense

Have an amazing day/night <3 :) =)

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