Chapter Forty-Four

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Hunter's POV:

  "Are you doing okay? I just thought I would just check in on you since, you know, everything happened." It's been a couple hours since my whole breakdown and all of that shit. "I mean, kind of, not really. I just don't know what to do, I can't go back to the castle since Belos probably won't let me back." I pause. "That and I just don't feel like going back to that hell." "Well, you can stay with me as long as you need!" 

  Everything has just been depressing since I, y'know, trauma dumped and all that jazz. We're not really talking and just spending most of the time on our scrolls. Emira decides to break the silence by yelling. "Alright you sad slumps, start talking again, you're making me depressed!" Edric and I just glare at her. "Shove off dude!" He throws a pillow at her, and we all start laughing. "Oww! That hurt!" "Shut up, your fine! It was just a pillow; it shouldn't hurt that much." The two continue to argue for a while, the argument going back and forth.

  "So uh, do your parents know about me staying here?" "Oh, uh yeah! They totally do, I wouldn't just not tell them about my friend coming over." Edric starts laughing nervously. "You didn't tell them, did you?" "Haha, nope. My dad won't mind, and he will just convince my mom if she's not okay with it, it's fine!" "You didn't think this through well enough." "Shush, it will perfectly, just you see!"

  "My dad's going to be home in around an hour, I think that he's going to be fine with all of this. He's a pretty chill guy, even though he doesn't look like it though." Edric says. "You sure? I just don't want to get you in trouble." "Mhm, everything will be fine. You know, you worry way too much sometimes. You should learn how to chill out sometimes dude." I glare at him. "Do you realize where I work, right?" "Oh yeahhh, I forgot about that. Do you have to on guard like twenty-four seven or something?" "Yeah, if you're not, bad things happen." I point to my eye. 

  "I'm home!" Someone yells up the stairs, presumably their dad. "Edric, Emira, I need to talk to you two." I look at Edric, visibly concerned. "It's fine, trust me. Be right back, stay in here." He leaves me alone in his room. Hopefully nothing bad happened, especially something that has to do with me.

  Edric walks back into the room after a couple minutes. "That didn't take too long, what did your dad need anyways?" "Basically, our teachers called him and told him that we weren't at school today, he didn't care though." He takes a breath, "You up to telling him about this whole thing right now?" "Yeah, I mean, we're going to have to tell him eventually, so why not do it now?" 


494 words

I played kahoot today in band and got in first place, my name was peepaw willy and my friend was galm freddy (Spelled wrong on purpose)

Have a great day/night :)

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