Chapter Forty-Three

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Hunter's POV:

  Everything just happened so fast, and I don't know what to do. It all feels like it was just a bad dream, a nightmare at most.

  I place my hand over my right eye, the one that I got stabbed in. There's a giant indent in the skin around it. I only have half of my vision; I was already expecting that. I don't think that I'm getting it back though. 

  "Alright, I'm back!" Edric hands me a plate of food. "Thanks," I say groggily. I take a couple bites. "Soo, how do you like it?" He's sitting on the floor next to the bed.  "It's actually pretty good, I was expecting worse to be honest." "Oh, wow thanks man, really boosted my confidence in cooking." He tries to act offended. "Oh, shut up, you know I didn't mean it like that." He laughs. "I know,"

  "So, if you're okay with it, can you tell me what happened? Something bad must've gone down for you to get that nasty ass scar." He gestures towards my eye. "Oh uh," I wasn't really expecting him to ask that, but I've gotta at least tell somebody. "If you're uncomfterable, you don't have to tell me-" "No, it's fine." "Okay, but please, don't force yourself."

  "So uh, you know how palismen are banned in the coven and I have a palismen?" He nods. "Belos found it, Kikimora was being a little bitch and went through my room without me knowing. She found Rascal; he was one of the few things keeping me going." I didn't even realize I started crying until the tears hit my hands. "Belos just started yelling at me and I didn't know what to do, I started crying because I was scared. He sent a vine towards my eye, and I didn't think to dodge it, this was the result of it." Edric moves from the floor and up to the bed. "Oh my god, I am so sorry. How did he even 'send a vine towards you'?" "He just can do that; I don't know why." 

  Edric pulls me into a hug, and we stay like that for a while; him just combing his hands through my hair. I don't know how long we stayed like that. "I'm sorry all of that happened to you, you didn't deserve all of that." I sniffle. "It's not your fault, you didn't know." "I know, but I just feel like I should've noticed something was going on between you and that bitch." 

  I don't know how much time passes as we continue to stay in that position. Emira soon walks in on all of that. "Hey bro-bro, whatcha- Oh, wait, what happened here?" She seems visibly concerned. I look up at her. "And more importantly, what happened to your eye?" "Belos," "Holy shit! Luz was right about him being a bitch!" "Yeah, I guess she was right." 


488 words

Guess who's back again (Even though it hasn't even been that long)

  I'm gonna start uploading only a couple times a week to give myself a break

Have a great day/night <3

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