Chapter Three

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  The rest of math goes past, with the occasional one sided conversation with that Edric kid. Edric is not as bad as I thought he would be; he is actually pretty nice. He is also kind of cute so that helps.

  "Soo, Hunter, wanna go meet up with my sisters with me? It will only take a second." Edric asks when we make outside of that mushy classroom. I mean, should I? I don't really know him and what if something happens? Fuck, I hate this. "Uh, sure?"

  Edric almost drags me to one of the school's hallways, people staring daggers into our backs. My gut telling me to just walk away and leave, but, to no one's surprise, I don't do that.

  Edric comes to a complete stop, I almost fall due to the sudden movement. "Heeyyy, Em!" Edric yells, walking up to someone with matching, long, green hair. "Oh, hey, Ed! Who is that?" The girl asks, looking at me up and down. "That is Hunter! I decided to drag him here with me!" I wave to her, not saying a word. "No offense man, but you do not look like a Hunter." That girl deadpans, "Okay? Is that a compliment?" I don't understand what she is saying. "Eh, kind of in between."

  Edric and that girl, I eventually learn that her name is Emira, talk for the rest of break.

  Speaking of them, turns out, they are the oldest Blight twins. Fucking great.


  "So, Blondie, what class do you have next?" Emira asks, "First, don't call me that, but I have science for second period." "Sweet! Both Ed and I have that too!" She exclaims. "Mhm, great.." I mumble under my breath, "What was that?" "Nothing."


  The same thing that happened last hour happened again. I introduce my self and sit down next to Edric.

  "Hey Hunter? How are you liking Hexside so far?" Edric whispers to me while the teacher rambles on about some science shit. "It's okay, I guess. I'm just not used to school yet." "What do you mean by that?" He is way too close to me right now. "I've been homeschool my entire life. So, with that said, I haven't been to an actual school before." He looks at me weird, "I am so sorry for you dude!"

  "Hey! Edric, Hunter! Stop talking or else you both are going into the detention pit!" The teacher screeches at Edric and I. "Sorry,"

  "What the hell does she mean by 'Detention Pit'?" I ask Edric. "There's a man eating detention pit here, why?" The fuck?


  The rest of the day goes by pretty easily, without being threatened by the teachers.

  "Dear Hunter? Are you good at Social Studies?" Edric asks while we are walking outside. "Yeah? Why?" "Can you tutor me and Emira? Pretty please?" Should I? Eh, I don't have anything better to do anyways. "Sure, where we going to do it though?" I reply. "If it's okay, do you wanna go to our house? It is only like a ten minute walk from here?" Emira suggests. "Okay, let's go with that."

  Great, I'm stuck going to Blight Manor.


526 words

I'm going to my schools dance with my best friend, also my crush! (I'm really happy if you can't tell)

Have a great day/night <3

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