Chapter Four

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  "How was your first day at hell, Hunter?" Edric asks.


Edric, Emira, and I are all walking back to Blight Manor so I could tutor them with science, I fucking hate this. Why did I even agree to this? Damn it...


  "Eh, school wasn't that bad. You're just overreacting." I reply. "It is that bad! All of the teachers hate me!" Edric yells, throwing his hands up. "If you actually listened to them for once maybe they would tolerate you!" Emira argues. I'm just gonna not butt in, I don't want to get involved with this.


  The rest of the walk to Edric and Emira's house us anything but silent. The two to of them talking constantly.


  "Here we are! Our small, little abode!" Edric announces. This place is nowhere near small; Blight Manor is about half the size of the Emperor's Castle and that's saying something considering how big the castle is.


  Edric opens the giant doors and holds them open for Emira and I. "Welcome, Hunter, to our humble, little home!" Edric announces, taking his shoes off and setting them by the door. "Pretty nice," I reply, doing the same as Edric. "I'm gonna go say hi to Dad, wanna come with?" Emira says, throwing her bag down onto the floor. "Sure?" I say, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot. "Okay! C'mon!"

  I really hope the whole "Edric dragging me everywhere" doesn't become a normal thing.


  I have met Alador before, when I bought the abomitons off of the Blights. He is a nice guy from what I have seen; Alador doesn't talk often, Odalia does most of the talking and business.


In Alador's workshop...


  Edric's and Emira's father's workshop is a lot more messier compared to the rest of the house. Seriously, there is abomination goop everywhere, random prototypes scattered along the floor, and just miscellaneous papers covering parts of the wall and most of the desk.

  "Hey, Dad! We're home." Edric announces.

  Alador is sitting on top of the desk, messing with what looks like some sort of new abomiton.

  "Oh, hello there-" Alador cuts himself off, looking at me up and down. "Did you bring home a guest?" He asks. "Mhm! This is Hunter! He is new to Hexside and now I'm his friend!" Edric explains excitedly. "Oh, alright then," Alador gets off the desk and holds out his hand. Naturally, I shake his hand. "I'm Alador, pleasure to meet you, Hunter." "Nice to meet you too."

  "Anyway, we will be up in my room, Dad. Have fun with whatever the heck you are working on!" Edric yells, grabbing me by the sleeve, dragging me somewhere yet again. This is becoming a habit, isn't it?


  I get dragged upstairs to presumably Edric's bedroom.

  Edric dramatically opens the door, holding it open for Emira and I, "Welcome, Hunter, to Casa de Edric!" Emira looks at him, confused, "Where the hell did you learn Spanish?" "Oh! Luz taught Mittens, then Mittens taught me!"


  Edric's room consists of many, many posters, random drawings covering the walls, and  a couple of bean bag chairs surrounding a tv over in one of the corners. His room is pretty nice if you ask me.


  "Soo, what do you guys want to do first?"


542 words

Phillp Wittebane is so hot/j

Have a great day/night :)

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