Chapter Thirty-Three

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Hunter's POV:

  Three months go by, not that quickly though. The mission I was sent on was quickly shut down. Belos wasn't too happy about our results, we didn't get any wild witches. All we did the entire time was sit in the forest and talk. It was pretty successful in my view; I got closer with Edric, and I got to hang out with him and Emira. 

  Monday comes and it's time for school again. Not much has happened at school, but I'm getting a little more used to it. I do my normal morning routine; get dressed, brush my teeth and hair, and walk to school.

  "Hey Blondie, over here!" I look over to see who is yelling at me, it's Edric. He's sitting on the stairs going up to the school. The rest of them is sitting by him. "Hi, sorry I couldn't come over yesterday, my uncle wouldn't let me." They originally planned for all of us to hang out yesterday, but I couldn't go, Belos was being an ass for failing my mission. "Nah, it's fine, we didn't really do anything anyways." The warning bell rings and we all head to our first hour classes.

  "I hate this teacher so much, she's so happy and bubbly. It's concerning sometimes." Edric puts his head down on the desk. "Yeah, but at least we don't get in trouble ever." "That's true, I'm glad we don't have this one teacher that Viney has. She once yelled at a kid for 'blinking too much'. She said she thought it was some code, the poor guy only had something in his eye!" 

  I forgot to mention, but I have developed a giant ass crush on Edric. I can't tell him though; it might ruin our friendship or something. 

  The day finally ends, and we're all let out of that horrible classroom. "Hey Goldie, wanna come over later. I have nothing to do, so I just thought of this!" "Oh, sure. Just let me ask Belos, he'll flip out if I don't tell him." "Alright, you go do that, I'll be over there." He points to a random wall. 

  I take out my phone and call Belos. "Hello Belos, would it be okay if I go over to Edric's right now?" I'm really hoping he says yes. "Sure, but as soon as you get back, tell me your report." "Okay, thank you. Bye." He hangs up. That went a lot better than expected.

  "Good news, I can come over." "Yes! Cmon, let's go." He takes off running. "Hey where are we going? This isn't the way to your house." "I know, we're going into town. It's a lot better than just hanging around in my room!"


454 words

I'm pretty proud about the fact that I have written thirty-three chapters!

Have a great day/night :)

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