Chapter Seven

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  As soon as I have barely made it through the school's front doors, Edric immediately comes running up to me, "Heya, Hunter! How are you on this fine morning?" He wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Pretty well, I guess. How are you?" I gently push his arm off of me as we continue to walk through the halls.

  "Woo, time for math, you excited, Hunt?" Hunt? Is that a nickname? I don't understand these types if things, "Not really; I don't think that the teacher likes me." "Please, she doesn't like anyone. Like, bro, I'm the nicest person here, excluding you, and she fucking despises me!" Edric exclaims, throwing his hands up into the air. "Sure, let us go with that." "Hunter! That's mean!"

In math...

  "I am so tired, dude. I just want this day to end." Edric whines, slumping down in his seat. "Stop complaining, it's only a fifty minute class. I have had to sit through worse." He groans, throwing a pencil at me, "Shush, just let me sulk in peace!"

  "Alright class! Stop your chatter chatter and get your notebooks out!" The teacher snaps, everybody quickly stops talking and turns to look at her. "That's what I thought. Now hurry up!"

  Edric leans over to me and whispers something, "Hunter, I'm gonna be honest with you man, this class sucks. Wanna skip?" Uncle would kill me if he found out I skipped, "I don't think that is the best idea-" "Nonsense! It will be fine. I will ask to go to the bathroom and wait out in the hall, a couple minutes later, you do the same!" "I do not-" "Live a little, Hunter!" Edric whispers, raising his hand. "Yes, Edric?" "May I use the restroom?" The teacher looks at him suspiciously, "Sure." Edric glances at me and walks out. I am not really wanting to do this but I do not want to be in this class any longer.

  Four or five minutes pass by and I get out of that wretched classroom. Edric greets me outside and in the hallway, "Took you long enough, I barely had time to check my Penstagram." The hell is Penstagram? "What are we even gonna do?" "Listen here, buddy boy. I'm gonna take you to the best place imaginable!" This does not sound good-

  "Finally, after an eternity of walking, dear Edric and Hunter finally make it to the abandoned classroom," Edric narrates. "What are we doing here? This place looks abandoned." "That's cause it is! After Luz stood up to Princy B, detention finally got shut down for good. Both of them actually."  I remember hearing about the detention pit at Hexside from Darius, I did not realize that the human was the reason for it. "Oh," "Anyway! Come on in. Vines and the others are waiting!" "Who?" "You'll see!" Edric practically drags me inside yet again.

  The classroom I assumed was empty actually had a couple of other students inside, "Hey Ed, who's that?" One with a fish hook earring asks. There is two others, some tall, brown haired kid, and some dog looking demon. "Oh him? That's Hunter, the new kid I was talking about!" "Ohhh, I'm Viney! Nice to meet 'cha, Hunter!" I nod, visibly uncomfortable. "That's Jerbo and Barucs!" She points to the two others, the tall kid waves and the other barks.

  "Enough of introductions, Edric, I have something to ask of you." "What is it, dearest Viney?" "Do you think that he is ready?" "Hell yeah! If I thought he wasn't ready, I wouldn't have had brought him here!" What?


599 words

Listening to McCafferty while writing this

Have a great day/night :)

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