Chapter Thirty-One

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Hunter POV:

  It's Wednesday now, three days have passed. The mission is supposed to start right after I get home from school. I throw on my Golden Guard uniform. "I really don't want to do this." Rascal chirps, not really the response I'm looking for, but whatever, he can't talk. "I can't tell Emira about the whole Golden Guard thing." I pause. "I'm so confused!" I'm really not wanting to have a breakdown right now. 

  Somebody lightly knocks on my door. "Come in, it's unlocked." They open the door, it's Steve, the original. "Hey Steve, what did you need?" I love this guy; I feel like I can trust him with anything. "Hello sir, I was wondering if I could speak to you for a moment, please?" "Sure, come in. Also, you don't need to be so formal with me, I don't mind." "Oh sorry, I'm just used to needing to be formal with Belos all the time." "Oh, so what did you need?" "So uh, I need some advice," I'm probably not the one he should've went to. I suck at advice. "Okay, what type of advice do you need?" "I was wondering if I should leave the emperors coven?" "Oh uhm, if you want to. But just know that they will make your life a living hell if you do. Did you see what happened with Lillith when she left?" "I will be fine with that; I just can't do this anymore." "Alright then, you can either; leave in the middle of the night without telling anyone or tell Belos and then leave. Personally, I would choose the first option." "Thank you, if you ever need help, call me."

  Steve sets a piece of paper on my bed; it has his number on it. He gets up and leaves. I love that guy so much. I really hope the coven doesn't rip him to shreds.  But I can't control what they do, the only reason I work for Belos is that he gives me a place to live and food. I'm planning on leaving as soon as I am old enough to buy somewhere to live, like a house or an apartment.

  Instead of knocking peacefully, somebody bangs on my door like a maniac. "Hurry up Golden Guard, you're going to be late!" Kikimora has always gotten on my nerves. I don't know what I did to upset her, but whatever. "Calm down, I'm ready, sheesh." I hear her stomp away. I don't know how something so small can be so loud.

  Belos is waiting for me in the throne room, along with the Blights. "Hello Golden Guard, you took a while." "Oh, sorry about that, I was trying to look presentable." Best lie I could come up with on the spot. "Don't be late again. Anyways, you all should leave, now capture anyone you can find, except for the owl lady, I don't want her, she's powerless." Damn, for someone powerless, he sure hates other powerless people. "Now go, be back by eleven, sharp." We all head out.


511 words

I love Steve

Have a great day/night :)

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