Chapter Seventeen

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Hunter's POV:

  "I'm getting pretty tired actually." It's around eleven now. "Same here, wanna lay down? We don't have to go to bed though." "Sure, I'll put the Twist away." "You do that, I'll set up our bed." I put away the Twist in one of my desk drawers. I don't think I'm supposed to have one of those, but whatever, it's fine, probably. It'll be fine if Belos doesn't find out. 

  "There we go!" Edric seems proud of his work. All he did was adjust the blankets and pillows so we both have enough room. "Thanks for making the bed, I didn't do that good of a job this morning." "Yeah, I have to agree. Most of your blanket was falling off the bed." "Shush, I didn't wake up early enough to actually clean my room."  "Start waking up earlier." No, I like getting sleep and I'm not waking up at like four." 

  "Anyways, past that, wanna actually go to bed now? I'm really tired?" I change the subject. "Sure, can you go shut off the light please?" "Why can't you?" "I'm comfterable." "Fine, I guess I can do it if you're that comfterable." "Thank you my bodacious babe." "What did you just call me?" "Nothing."

   I quickly turn off the light and run back to the bed. "Are you afraid of the dark or something?" "No, why would you ask that?" "You know, you're getting kind of defensive right now." Even without being able to see his face in the dark, I still know he's smirking. "Shut up!" I yell. "Dude, be quiet it's late. I don't want to wake everybody up!"

  For the first time in a while, I finally managed to sleep for longer than two hours at a time. Something about Edric makes me feel comfterable and vulnerable around him. I've known him for only around a week now, but I feel like I can trust him with anything. 

  I don't stay sleeping for long though. There is something putting pressure around my waist. I turn over looking over at Edric. His arm is wrapped around my waist. And he's pulling me towards him! I'm not even gonna try to figure out how the hell we got into this position. I decide that it's just better if I just leave him alone. Plus I don't really mind it that much. It's actually pretty comfy.

 Luckly, I end up falling back asleep. Only a couple hours go by and it's morning by now. Light is coming into my room from my curtains, that I didn't shut fully last night. I lay awake while Edric is still cuddling me. A couple minutes go by, not that quickly go, it feels like an hour went by. He finally wakes up. "What time is it?" His voice is raspy due to the fact that it's the early morning. "How did we end up in this position?" 


488 words

Have a great day/night <3

Edit: I accidently deleted this chapter when I first wrote it

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