Chapter Nineteen

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Hunter's POV:

  That day finally passes as I sleep, not that well though. I woke up multiple times throughout the night and it took me forever to fall back asleep. My alarm starts blaring very loudly. "Oh my god! Shut the fuck up!" I slam my hand onto the alarm clock. "Shit, shit, shit! It better not be broken!" Of course, with my terrible luck, it has to be broken. "How am I supposed to ask for a new one?" I groan and throw myself off the bed.

  After my little temper tantrum, I put on my uniform. It's actually surprisingly comfortable despite how it looks. I'm feeling particularly fancy today, so I decide to attempt to do something with my hair. That something is straightening it. 

  Before I exit the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror. "I look so hot today." I wink at myself and leave.

  That took a lot longer than I expected it would take. I glance at the non-broken clock on my desk, I don't have much time till I need to be at school. I grab my bag and run the multiple flights of stairs. But, before I do that, I make sure to lock my door, so nobody finds out about Rascal. 

  Today can't be that bad, right? I'm not really looking forward to today, I have to take a test in two of my classes. It's not that I don't understand it, it's just that I don't like taking tests. 

  "Hey Blondie!" Someone yells, presumably Edric. "Hey, so is that a new nickname or something?" "Mhm! I thought of it myself!" He seems proud of himself. "Not to be rude or anything, but I hate it dude." "Okay, that was like, entirely rude of you to say that!" He tries to be offended. "Fine, fine, you can call me it. Only because you won't shut up about it." 

  The warning bell rings, signaling that first period is about to start. "I hate this class so much; I suck at it!" Edric complains as we slide into our seats. "Imagine failing this class, couldn't be me!" "Please dude, let me copy off your answers, please! I'm desperate here!" "Nope, do it yourself!" The teacher interrupts our conversation. "Alright class, settle down now."

  A couple minutes into class, Edric taps me on the shoulder. "Hey, I'm gonna go skip the rest of class. Ask to use the bathroom a couple minutes after me." "Alright," He raises his hand. "Can I go to the bathroom please?" "Yes, you may, but don't take too long." He walks out. I'm pretty sure he's headed to the secret hideout place. 

  Four more minutes go by, I decide it's been long enough. I raise my hand. "Can I go to the restroom?" The teacher nods and continues teaching. I walk out and into the hallway leading towards the classroom.

  When I make it to the old classroom, Edric is sitting on one of the old desks. The teacher is asleep yet again. There aren't even any students in here, why is he here then? "Finally, dude, you took way to long!" "Heh, sorry, I got a little lost. I'm still trying to adjust to this place. "Nah it's fine, don't worry about it. I was just messing with you. " He draws the thing on the board, and we go inside of it.


566 words

Have a great day/night :)

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