Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Hunter's POV:

  Tonight is a lot different than how it usually is at the Emperors Castle. As soon as I walk in the doors, all I see is everybody fighting over something. What that something is, I have no idea. One of the scouts runs up to me, they are panicking. "Kid, you're not supposed to be here! Where are your parents?" I show him the coven emblem on my wrist. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to do anything-" "It's fine, calm down." 

  To avoid all of the drama going on, I head up to my room. "Rascal, you've been here all day, what's going on with everybody?" Naturally I don't understand his chirping. "I wish I could understand you, I would have someone to talk with for once." 

  Some time passes by, around an hour or two. Then I remeber that I need something to do about the whole Edric thing. I really don't want to have to ask Emira for her help. Sadly, it's my only option at this point. I know it sounds like I'm overthinking it, but I'm just scared of getting rejected. And I'm also scared of both Edric and Emira making fun of me.

  After a while of me hesitating, I finally decide to grow a pair of balls and ask Emira for help. Edric is her brother, she'll at least know a little about him. It's easier to just call her instead of trying to explain it all over texting. This better go well.

  "Hey Emira, so I might need your help on something." "What is it blondie? You need help asking out a girl or something?" She at least half right on that. "Something like that. I need help with asking out Edric." She gasps. "Oh my god. Not to be rude or anything, but, why Edric. Out of all the men out there, why Edric?" "Just answer me! Can you help or not?" 

  "Out of everybody in the world, I know my brother better than anyone. I say that you should just go for it. Just go up to him and ask 'Hey wanna go out with me?' It should work fine." "Are you sure that would work? I just don't want to embarrass myself in front of him." I'm not that good with people to be honest. It's kind of obvious now. "Just do it! You'll be fine. If anything happens, I'll take the blame for it. Now, tomorrow at school just go up to him and do what I said!" I'm not excited for tomorrow, like at all. "Fine, I'm trusting you with not telling anyone."

  Tomorrow came a lot faster than I would've wanted it to. Hopefully this can't go as bad as I imagined it to.


462 words

I changed the cover cause I was getting bored of the old one (Sorry if you liked it)

Have a great day/night <3

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