Chapter Twenty

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Hunter's POV:

  "There's around forty-five minutes, I think, until class starts ending, we can do whatever for the time being." Edric announces, sitting down one of the staircases, I sit on an empty spot next to him. I dangle my legs off of the edge. We sit in a comfortable silence for a couple minutes. "Soo, how did you even find out about this place?" "Oh, Viney just found one day, and told me about it. I still don't know how she found though, why are you asking?" "Just curious, it's not that often that you find such an awesome place like this." "Yeah, I know right!"

  "Hmm, I'm bored. Is there anything else we can do?" I jump off of the stairs, probably shouldn't have done that though, my leg hurts now. "I can't believe I'm about to say this but, do you want to head back to class? There are only a couple minutes left until class ends." "Yeah, I guess so, but walk in before me, just in case." "Alright then, c'mon, let's go." We walk out of the old classroom, the teacher is still sleeping somehow, and we walk back to the wretched classroom.

  That stupid class finally ends, I hate that teacher so much. Edric, Emira and I walk out of that disgusting classroom. "Hey, do you guys want to go make fun of Mittens and her girlfriend?" Edric asks. "Hell yeah!" The three of us go to the freshman hallway and try to find Amity. And of course, the human Luz is there, standing right next to her.

  "Hey Ed and Em!" The human says excitedly. "Hey Luz, so did we ever introduce you to Hunter?" Edric asks. Oh shit, she better not say anything about the incident in Latissa. "Nope! Is Hunter that blonde guy standing next to you?" Oh, thank titan, she's acting like she doesn't know me. "Hey, I'm Luz! You've probably have seen my wanted posters around town!" "Um yeah, I'm Hunter." "Soo, do you know where Mittens is?" "Yeah, she went to her locker to grab a couple things." "Kay, thanks human! We're going to go find her!" "Wait, can I talk to Hunter really quick?" "Uh, okay? You guys can go, I'll catch up you later." "Bye blondie! Don't drown!"

  "Why are you here and why are you hanging out with Edric and Emira now?" "I'm going to school here? Isn't that kind of obvious by now?" "Oh, cut the crap already, did Belos send you here or something?" "Alright fine, yeah he did. I don't want to be here, but I can't go against him. "Fine, but whatever you do, don't tell anyone about what happened last week? Especially the Blights, their family is close to the coven. Okay?" "Okay," "Good, now I'm going back to acting like I don't know you."

  That actually didn't go half bad, still pretty paranoid about what happened though. The warning bell goes off and I head to my next class, Study of Demons.

  "Hey blondie, soo, what did Luz have to say?" Edric asks as I walk back up to them. I have to come up with a believable enough lie and quick. "Oh uh, she just wanted to know if I've seen her before, uh, she just said I looked familiar." "Oh okay!" "Why did you ask though?" "Just a little curious thats all." He smiles, I love his smile so much, it makes me happy.

  "So uh, there's a couple things I need to talk to you about," Hopefully he doesn't freak out too much.


597 words

Woohoo twenty chapters! I'm not even halfway through yet, I have a lot more chapters planned

Have a great day/night <3

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