Chapter Thirteen

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Hunter's POV:

  A couple hours have passed and it's getting a little late. "Since it's getting so late, do you wanna just stay the night instead of heading home?" I sugest. "Sure why not. It's a lot better than dealing with my mom at home." "Alright, I'll go ask Belos real quick." Okay, if he says its okay then I'll call my dad." 

  Talking to Belos today was not something I wanted today. "Hello sir, I was wondering if it would be okay with you if Edric spent the night?" He better say yes. "Fine, you may learn something if you're with him." Way to go Belos, even when I'm hanging out with somebody he tries to make it into a learning momment. "But, I expect your report as soon as he leaves to go home. Do you understand?" "Yes sir." "Good, now go, I have many things to do."

  "Good news, you can stay." "Yes! I'll be right back, I have to go call and ask my dad. My parents will flip if I don't tell them." He walks out into the hallway. I can hear most of their conversations. His dad sounds very tired.

Edric walks back in. "My dad said I could." He sounds pretty happy about it. "Alright cool." He flops down next to me. "So, what do you want to do now?" "I don't know."

  The two of us go on our scrolls for a while. "Hey, look at this." It's his little sister's Penstagram page. He scrolls through it. "There's a lot of photos of her with the human." "Yeah, they're always togther. Like always, at school I never see to the two apart. It's crazy." He pauses. "My mom isn't too thrilled about it though, she doesn't really like Luz that much. All I want to see is Amity happy and mom just doesn't let her." I have no idea how to comfort him. "Oh sorry, I didn't realize I was saying all of this." "Nah it's fine, don't beat yourself up for this. It's not your fault."

  "Since we have time, do you wanna explain how you almost killed Lillth? I'm actually pretty curious." I haven't told anyone this story before. "So basically I was like ten or eleven and I took Lillth's phone. She started chasing after me to get it back, but I ran into the kitchen to try to get her off my tail. Some how she ran into somebody cooking something and they almost stabbed her with the knife they were holding." "God damn, why did you take her phone in the first place?" "I thought she was texting her girlfriend or something, I don't actually know why I did it." 


453 words

Have a great day/night =)


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