Chapter Thirty

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Hunter POV:

  "Hey guys, I'm going to head home, Uncle is wanting me to leave now." I'm pretty sad I have to go so early, it's only around eleven in morning. "Aw, why it's not even that late?" Edric asks. "I don't know, I think I did something wrong, sorry." "Well, come back some time, it was fun having a sleepover with the entire group." "See you guys at school tomorrow!" And with that I'm walking back to the hell I call home. 

  The walk takes around ten minutes, it went faster this time because I'm walking pretty fast. I'm really scared to see what Belos needs. I walk in the giant doors, I'm pretty sure the doors are big since there was time when witches were very big and tall, and the titans were even bigger than them. I read about it in an old history book, I enjoy reading about the past and stuff like that.

  I walk to the throne room, Belos is in there, waiting for something. Probably me though. "Hello sir," I bow. "Ah finally Hunter, you're here. Now do you know what I called you here for?" "Uh no sir, I wasn't informed yet." I really hope he isn't pulling me out of my Hexside mission, I was really starting to like it there. "We will be doing a mission, for that we will need to partner up with the Blight family. I thought that since you were with the Blight kids, they would've told you." "Oh no sir, I haven't told them that I'm Golden Guard. It would be going against your orders if I did." 

  Belos explains the mission to me and sends me back up to my room. Basically, the mission is where we have to catch some of the wild witches running around, but we are forbidden to capture Eda the Owl Lady. I think it's because the Blight kids are helping us too, and we can't afford them getting hurt. I'm just happy that I get to work with Edric, plus he knows I'm the Golden Guard, so I don't have to keep that secret from him. 

  The mission starts on Wednesday, so only like three days to prepare for it. We're still going to school during it, but we can't tell anybody about it or else. I still don't know what the 'or else' stands for, but it's probably fine. I'm not planning on telling anyone, but it's the rest of them I'm worried about. I'll just explain to Edric, then he can tell Emira. I still need to tell Emira about the Golden Guard thing. I hate my job.

  I waste the rest of the day by playing Animal Crossing and watching kids cartoons. Yes, I watch kids cartoons, it helps me escape reality sometimes. My Animal Crossing island is really good, probably because I have over four hundred hours on it.

  To be honest, I don't have a life. I'm not talking about the Golden Guard; I'm talking about my actual self. I'm talking about Hunter. I'm not allowed to do much; I can't go and talk to people  if they don't benefit me and the coven and it's not like people would want to talk to me anyways. Belos has so much control over my life, it's like my life, isn't my own, if that makes sense. 

Sometimes I just feel like a puppet, being controlled by Emperor Belos.


Fun Fact: I have four hundred and seventy-five hours on ACNH, I've had it since the day it came out

 Have a great day/night :)

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